Jason Sandford
Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

Ashvegas Hemp Sheet
More of what’s going around on the booming Asheville industrial hemp and CBD dispensary scene:
-This week is Hemp History Week 2019.
-Eliada Home, a nonprofit that serves children, has announced plans to start growing hemp, the Asheville Citizen-Times reports.
-TSA now allows certain CBD products on flights, the Cannabis Business Times reports.
-North Carolina lawmakers are debating the North Carolina Farm Bill of 2019, a bill that sets up a state-regulated structure for the industrial hemp industry, which was legalized under federal law last year.
-The N.C. State Bureau of Investigation asked state lawmakers to consider outlawing the sale of industrial hemp flower, also known as smokable hemp. Asheville attorney Rod Kight breaks down the SBI letter here.
-One committee of Tar Heel legislators delayed a possible smokable hemp ban until December 2020. But another committee will take up discussion of the hemp bill, so the issue isn’t put to rest just yet.
-The N.C. Industrial Hemp Association said that a delay was a good thing, in that it gives the industry time to regulate itself before lawmakers step in. More:
The amendment itself states that the North Carolina Hemp Commission, North Carolina Department of Agriculture, North Carolina Industrial Hemp Association, and the SBI start working together to develop best practices for our industry to address concerns with law enforcement. So with this process, our industry will be given the chance to introduce reliable roadside testing equipment for hemp flower and traceability software to implement throughout our program. This is our opportunity to position ourselves now as a top state in industry and take full advantage of working with regulators and leaders to make it happen. Our goal is to take care of all of law enforcement’s concerns by the end of 2019 so we can move into the new year with confidence.