Hello, Asheville! Here’s another Food Feed for you! The words and pictures below were originally posted to social media, mostly Facebook, but also Instagram. I hope that you will enjoy them, and that you will be able to get some, if not all of the delicious food items listed here!
The Food Feed is in reverse chronological order. Scroll down through the past…
I was on vacation for two weeks, which means I didn’t post a Food Feed to Ashvegas for three Wednesdays in a row. Below are the posts that I made to social media from July 1st – July 11th about a road trip that Jason and I took to Bush Farmhouse right before before I left town.
Posted to Stu Helm: Food Fan Facebook page on 7/11/2021
Tasty desserts from The Bush Farmhouse. If you haven’t been there yet, give it a try! I can all but guarantee that you’re gonna love the vibe.
Posted to Stu Helm: Food Fan Facebook page on 7/04/2021
A variety of South African dishes from The Bush Farmhouse! Curry, prawn, veggies, and more! I think that this restaurant will be very popular! If you haven’t been yet, get on down!
Posted to Stu Helm: Food Fan Facebook page on 7/03/2021
An excellent cheese and charcuterie board, plus warm olives, and some yummy canned sardines from The Bush Farmhouse. The board was one of the best I’ve had!
Posted to Stu Helm: Food Fan Facebook page on 7/02/2021
I had a very nice non-alcoholic beverage and some special South African style jerky on my visit to The Bush Farmhouse.
Posted to Stu Helm: Food Fan Facebook page on 7/01/2021
Jason Sandford and I took an Ashvegas lunch junket out to The Bush Farmhouse courtesy of our friend Doug, seen here with two donkeys. It was not my first time eating amid and among farm life, but donkeys are a new twist. Pics of food coming next.
Stu Helm is a writer, blogger, and social media personality living and working in Asheville,NC.
Please follow him on Facebook and Instagram,
If you would like to “tip” Stu for his efforts, please Venmo him at Stu-Helm
or PayPal at [email protected]