LEAF organizers seek public input on how to retool popular Black Mountain music festival

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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leaf_2014Looks like LEAF is retooling. Here’s the press release:

LEAF is planning for its future and since its mission involves community, we are engaging as many parts of the Asheville and LEAF community in the process as possible. We know that you hold insight, ideas and knowledge that will help build on LEAF’s strengths so that together we can generate greater impact locally and in the world. For that reason, we want to invite you to join us in some visioning conversations.

The next two LEAF 2020 mini-summits are Feb. 26 & 27th. The mini-summits are engaging, fun and meaningful.

We will be honored if you join us at 1 of our mini-summits. Your family & friends are welcomed – all voices count. Feel free to invite others.

At the first summit we had more than 30 people share their stories, hopes, and aspirations for the impact LEAF will have by 2020. We want your stories and ideas to help shape LEAF’s future!!

There are two more opportunities for you to join us:
Feb 26th Wednesday 5:30-7:30pm at AVL Middle School Cafeteria at 197 South French Broad
Feb 27th Thursday 4-6pm in Black Mountain at The White Horse

Two hours may sound like a lot, but people who attended the first Summit said the time flew by and they wish they’d had more time. Come early for refreshments and music.

We will start promptly at 5:30 on the 26th and 4pm on the 27th to give you the full time to get creative and help us design an amazing vision for LEAF 2020: Transforming Lives, Connecting Cultures and Generating Unity.

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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