Jason Sandford
Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.
Turns out beer’s not just for drinking. From loyal reader Melissa. The third graf has the relevant info regarding the beer-flavored foot soak. Only in Beer City USA. Lordy, I love this town:
Our new fall menu will include the addition of the following soaks that we have created for foot indulgence. Each of our soaks is formulated using different bases of salts, soaps, or/or oils, but are also indulgent to senses which you might guess from some of our descriptions!
Peppermint Forest – Stimulating, aromatic, with added Jajoba.
Sugar & Spice – Sweet orange, organic cinnamon, and cloves
The Signature Soothe – Healing for both skin with clary sage, lavender, and tea tree and the muscles with detoxifying empsom salts.
Peace- With relaxing and sultry scents of francincense, myrrh, rosewood, and ylang ylang
And the “cake topper” for the fall menu will be the edition of a new package called the Broo Man in partnership with Broo Brand body wash products ( a local Asheville brand powerhouse). Our soak base for this package starts with their Oatmeal Porter Body Wash. No water at all in this body wash product, JUST BEER:). We added other luxurious oils and top this soak with dried hops for an uber luxurious Beaaaah for the toes. The soak is 50 minutes and while guests are soaking they also get to indulge in a 30 minute foot & lower leg massage. Their feet will be oh so ready to walking around town to check out the various breweries after this TLC experience.
Melissa Long, Owner
Wake – The Foot Sanctuary & Shop
Now, if they would only offer a nice soak in a hot tub filled with beer! Now that would be like heaven!
What a way to waste perfectly good beer…Dumb!