SantaCon 2011 hits downtown Asheville

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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The rowdy revelers of SantaCon hit downtown Asheville on Saturday. The awesome photog zen captured the photo featured above. And here’s a video:

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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  1. Nader Hanna December 10, 2011

    So typical of the great Jewish Conspiracy to keep us gentiles guessing who the “real” Santa is. What next, damn you? What next?

    1. Big Al December 7, 2013

      Forget the Jews, I suspect the Evangelical Christians of any conspiracy to deny secular Santa Claus.

  2. Hany Hanna December 6, 2011

    And to think….I knew him when he was just an elf.
    Ho Ho Ho…Hi Hi Hi…If I was there… I’d Occupy

  3. doesitmatter December 5, 2011

    the santacon folk are pretty secretive, in a negative way. its like they dont want anyone else to join in, unlike other cities festivities. boo on them. shame one them.

    1. j December 6, 2013

      not anymore dude! this year’s AVL santacon is open to all..just look at and see for yourself. know before you throw falsities!


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