Giving the photojournalists their due

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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On my recent post handing out roses for Thursday’s “soapbox” piece, Master Control offers this:
-Photographer David Saich deserves ALL the credit for the soapbox story. David wrote, shot, and edited the story. I believe Larry only supplied a voice track.

My reply:
Thanks, Master Control. So the anchors really ARE that shallow. Geez. We were trying to cut the new guy some slack. Now let’s hear from Mr. fUschia, who also is also setting Ashvegas straight:

-Actually, they said in the into of both these pieces there were the work of the photojournalists. So I guess that means a photographer wrote and taped each of them, and old Lar just did a quick voiceover to add that extra story teller voice. I think they said it was David Sach and Layton Grant or something. But regardless, very good job. And the B-17 story should get a decent rose. I saw that plane flying around at like 2:00 when I was driving by the airport. If a photographer can get on a plane, get interviews, and throw that toghether in I guess 3 hours, then damn what he could make if given more time. But thats just me 11 1/2 cents.

Me again:
Excellent points all around.

OK. Larry, we take it all back. Hand back the effing roses. David, you get a fresh bunch, just for you.

And fUschia’s pennies are well spent. We’ll take them as a contribution toward a fresh-scented rose on the B-17 story.

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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  1. mr. fUschia September 18, 2005

    I actually caught that piece. Why I was up on a Saturday morning at 8am, I’ll never know. But it was really good actually. It was a reporter’s journalish thing I believe. But had him talking to people from all around the gulf coast, lots of crying, lots of silence, lots of putting things in a real feeling. Good work I must say.

  2. Frankie September 18, 2005

    I missed some story with Bowen in Mississippi Saturday morning.My friend told me it was worth seeing. Did Ashe catch it? I always seem to not be watching when I should be. But then again News-13’s usually not worth watching.

  3. someone September 18, 2005

    It should be noted that Leighton was the photographer in question in that court case involving Charu and the marijuana guy and may have had something to do with getting the guy to do what he did. . .


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