Jason Sandford
Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.
Some fun workshops from Foothills Deli and Butchery coming up. Press release:
An Evening with Chef Elliott Moss and a Damn Fine Pig
Tuesday, February 10th 6pm-8:30 pm at Foothills Deli and Butchery
1196 Old US Hwy 70, Black Mountain, NC
$175 per person, 8 available. Includes food and beverages
Tickets available & Foothills in Black Mountain Chef Elliot Moss demonstrates the art of butchery of a local, pasture raised hog and discusses food, cooking and his love of barbecue. Enjoy an intimate evening of artisan butchery, great conversation and free samples of Pisgah beer paired with some of Elliott’s favorite pork dishes. Guests will take home a sampling of fresh meats from the hog.
Advanced Charcuterie for Chefs with Craig Deihl
Tuesday, February 24th, 10am-5pm at Foothills Deli and Butchery
1196 Old US 70, Black Mountain, NC
$275 per person, 8 available, Includes lunch and beverages
Tickets available at: http://realdeihl.brownpapertickets.com/ & Foothills in Black Mountain Chef Craig Deihl breaks a local, pasture raised hog and demonstrates fine processing technique for charcuterie. This session is a special focus on optimizing utilization for economics and labor for small, commercial kitchens, restaurants and retail butcher shops. Guests will be treated to an array of tastes from Craig’s personal collection of cured meats. Ploughman’s lunch and free samples of Pisgah beer are included. This workshop is only for professional chefs who have prior experience in butchery and preserving meats. Guests should bring non-slip shoes and a coat.
Facebook: Foothills Pasture Raised Meats
While you can’t deny Stewart David’s passion, you have to wonder about his focus: unlike the mistreated swine who go into Big Al’s bacon (gotta love those toxic slurry lakes! Chow down!) that pig will have had a pleasanter life than many people in Asheville.
For $175 pp, I hope you get more than just samples. This made me hungry. Great weekend to fire up the smoker and smoke some meat.
Big Al,
I doubt that you really care about my personal opinion. But, since you asked, I will paste below a 2002 letter that appeared in the Mountain Xpress. But first, let me say that your should consider using forums to discuss issues, not make personal attacks. It is beneath you. We can’t move forward as a country or individuals if we stick to “attacking the messenger.”
Mountain Xpress
Comparing animal slaughter to Holocaust victims is fair
Jane Carter’s letter [May 1] took Kayla Worden to task for her letter referring to animals being slaughtered while fully conscious (a common slaughterhouse occurrence) as modern-day holocaust victims. Ms. Carter asks that we watch a few interviews with survivors of the Holocaust, and then see if we “can compare the Holocaust to the plight of cramped chickens.”
Believe me, Ms. Carter, I have not only seen interviews, I have lived among the survivors. As a Jew growing up in Chicago shortly after World War II, I had friends whose parents survived the death camps. Most memorable was my best friend’s mother – a woman with only one arm, a woman I never once remember smiling. Her other arm was apparently torn off in a tug of war by some drunken Nazi soldiers. But that was just the best guess gleaned from questions that mostly went unanswered; no one wanted to talk much about the atrocities. The memories were too fresh. People just wanted to put [the experiences] behind them, work hard, and dream of a better life for their children and for the family members that survived. Rarely was there a reference to the Nazis. The one exception I vividly remember was my grandmother spitting at my first Volkswagen Bug. She never would step inside that car.
Between five and six million Jews (and millions of non-Jews) were killed by the Nazis. This was an egregious injustice, to say the least. More than 10 billion animals raised for food will lose their lives this year in America alone. They will suffer horrific mutilations and indignities from the day they are born until their throats are slit. Isn’t it counterproductive to waste time deciding who suffers more, which crime is greater?
It is exactly this attitude – that some lives are more important than others – that perpetuates most injustices. Violence is violence, whether inflicted on a human or non-human animal. It is just plain common sense that if you truly believe in justice, you cannot treat animals unjustly simply because they are unable to defend themselves. If you work for social justice, I commend you and urge you to continue the fight. But try as you might, it is often difficult to influence world events. The one place you can have a positive, life-affirming effect every day is at the dinner table. Becoming a vegetarian – or better yet, a vegan – is an easy way to immediately reduce the suffering in the world.
For an enlightening discussion of the comparisons between animal exploitation in the United States and Hitler’s Final Solution, I recommend reading Dr. Charles Patterson’s recently published book, Eternal Treblinka: Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust. The title of the book comes from a quote by Nobel Laureate Isaac Bashevis Singer, to whom the book is dedicated. Mr. Singer said, “In relation to them, all people are Nazis: for the animals it is an eternal Treblinka.”
When Ms. Worden refers to the suffering of animals as a holocaust, she is in good company.
– Stewart David
Your diatribe was too long to read before hunger struck, so I gave up and got me a hambuger.
With bacon.
Fun workshops? Not fun for the animals.
“As long as human beings go on shedding the blood of animals, there will never be any peace. There is only one little step from killing animals to creating gas chambers a la Hitler and concentration camps a la Stalin. There will be no justice as long as a man will stand with a knife or with a gun and destroy those who are weaker than he is.”
Isaac Bashevis Singer, Nobel Laureate and Holocaust survivor
Have an original thought for a change. Smug, pseudo-intellectual name-dropping and quotes from others just makes you look small and insignificant.