Asheville Tea Party to WLOS and big media: Can you hear us now?

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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This past Saturday, the Asheville Tea Party folks held a protest of WLOS and ABC news. The local Tea Party folks say that ABC news has ignored important stories, such as the resignation of Obama administration official Van Jones and the controversy surrounding the nonprofit community organizing group Acorn.

More here from the Asheville Tea Party blog.

And here’s this from the walk’s alone blog:

Although there was no coverage, Saturday October 17, Tea Party activists demonstrated mainstream media outlets all over the United States. The protests were held in response to lack of responsible coverage by news outlets. The activists pointed out that the massive march on Washington, DC was not covered by the media with the exception of Fox News and Internet outlets.

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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  1. Asheville Dweller October 22, 2009

    When you are tired of thinking for yourself.

    Asheville Dweller

  2. Ash October 22, 2009

    Thanks for the comments, folks!

    Jay, thank you for your note. I respect your thoughts on this topic. But in this case, you’re way off base and frankly, I’m a little taken aback.

    "Seemingly daily coverage"? Not sure where you get that. When the Tea Party folks have a protest, I cover it.

    And that’s all I’m doing – I’m not commenting on I what I think about their stance, I’m just presenting their side. I’m not stating any political leanings. I’m not even hinting. I’m just posting photos and notifying people about events in the community that catch my interest.

    I have no affiliation with the Tea Party crowd, except that they’re members of my community (Asheville).

    What "local health care advocates"? What’s the name of the group, or leaders of the group, and what public events are they holding? Are you talking about Leslie Boyd and her Life O’ Mike group? My affiliation with that group is that Leslie Boyd is a friend and former colleague, whom I worked with for about six years. I have great respect for her passion.

    I’m also not sure how the health care debate matches up with the Tea Party protesters – the Tea Party group goes after a variety of issues, from mass media coverage, to opposition to Obama’s health care plan, to what they see as out-of-control spending. I guess I don’t see how coverage of one means coverage of the other.

    One final note: This is a blog. This is my blog. This is not a newspaper. I don’t have to be "fair," in any old-fashioned journalistic sense, if I don’t want to. Personally, I strive for that because that’s a value of mine and because of my journalism background. But this blog is just what I think is cool and interesting and fun and thought-provoking. That’s all.

    I’ve been around long enough to know that people’s own biases color the way they view what they see and read, and there’s not much I can do about that, except to keep trying harder to make sure my own sense of fair-play comes through. I’ve apparently failed at that, by your accounting. I’m sorry for that and will keep on striving.

  3. Been There October 22, 2009

    Move along folks, nothing to see here other than a rare American sub species known as nattering fools…

  4. jaybird October 22, 2009

    Ash, I’ve always admired your presence in the AVL media scene and your generally fair presentation of perspectives. But, as a member of the media who have journalistic values to uphold, would you please balance your seemingly daily coverage of the Tea Party people with local health care advocates? They are just as vocal, just as active. What’s more, as a media director for a local independent paper, I’d think you’d take greater care not to hint at any political leanings on your side so as not to misrepresent your employer. I rarely take such a strong position publicly, but would you please explain to your readers why the TP gets significantly more coverage and what if any affiliation you may have with the organization. This comment made with all due respect and in fairness.

  5. joey flash October 22, 2009


    i was there, and gave a visual count of the protesters at 60+. there were smaller groups across the street on all four corners, and these were included in the tally, but for reasons of proximity might not have been included in the tv news story.

    as i was leaving, i verified with ashvegas my headcount to assure the estimate was accurate.

  6. realityczech October 21, 2009

    When you are tired of thinking for yourself.


  7. ashevillelokel October 21, 2009

    I think it is a hoot that these folks even protested to start with … the fact that there was very little mainstream media coverage has only made them madder is even better …. the folks who protested the fact that the news doesn’t give fair, truthful coverage is now complaining that they weren’t on the news!

    This is laughable.

  8. dempol October 21, 2009

    As you know, Ash, I contributed the following post under your “The Ashvegas Hotsheet” section this past Sunday, October 18th. Now that you have started a topic directly relating to my own Tea Party opinions, I post it again. Judging by the on-the-scene photos, it looks like you may have been there to cover the demonstration after all. If so, please accept my humble apology.

    “On the local Right Wing beat, Ash, I see you mentioned the Newt Gingrich appearance at Montreat College, and his explanation of the role God played in the founding of the U.S., as reported by the Citizen-Times. Glad you did not waste your own time going there.

    But here is another story both you and the Asheville newspaper missed, that long-anticipated Tea Party protest against WLOS and the rest of the Mainstream Media, outside the entrance to Biltmore Park. It happened.

    Here is a quote from my October 14th post here on ashvegas:

    "So I wish the Tea Party idiots the best in their “patriotic” effort to force the so-called Mainstream Media into line – their crazy line. And speaking of followers, I am certain they will keep getting all the “truth” from FOX and Rush. I hope they all take a minute to look around on Saturday, while they spew that spoon-fed garbage. There really aren’t that many of them. To that I say “’God Bless America’."

    No surprise that I was correct. Protestors waived American flags, a symbolic gesture of patriotism, not to mention doctored photos showing President Obama in Nazi uniform – some of the soundbites and signs praised FOX and Rush as the only ones speaking the “truth” – participants did spew spoon-fed garbage – and it would be an understatement to say there really weren’t that many of them.

    The television station targeted by these crazies did cover the demonstration. ABC 13 estimated the number in attendance at about 60. Judging from the station’s own news video, that is giving the Asheville Tea Party way more than its due. Ashvegas readers, please judge for yourselves:

    It is clear these people are nothing more than circus freaks – simply an angry sideshow – one that will never catch-on with intelligent Americans in the big tent. I hope I am correct once again.


    Now let’s jump ahead to today, October 21st. I suggest ashvegas readers check-out those youtube links to the local Tea Party’s own “reportage.” Listen to participants saying FOX News offers the only honest, fair and accurate coverage. Listen to them say they are part of a grassroots movement that is in no way incited and driven by the likes of Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck. How ironic. Liars lying about liars.

    FOX News is and always has been nothing more than a one-sided communications arm of the Republican Party. Karl Rove, consultant to the McCain/Palin campaign and FOX News contributor. Rove performed those two functions simultaneously. Interesting. Tony Snow (RIP), former FOX News anchorman and then Bush White House Press Secretary. Interesting.

    Now that a Democrat resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the FOX News game has been switched from sucking-up to all-out attack. This is all so obvious and pathetic it stinks.

    Once again, Tea Party members should feel free to wander around like zombies. It is their right as tax-paying citizens, although it appears they do not want to pay any.

    “Can You Hear Us Now”?

    No, we cannot.


  9. Wvler October 21, 2009

    I think it’s kinda funny that in this post from the "walk’s alone" blog, they say there was no coverage when clearly in the Joey Flash post, he’s there shooting the protest. The right wingers was to spin it whatever way they can.


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