Jason Sandford
Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

Click to see the WLOS video: Moogfest to continue
AC Entertainmnent will have its own festival, the new Mountain Oasis Electronic Music Summit, while Moog Music, owners of the Moogfest license, seeks a new promoter and plans for Moogfest in 2013. Yep: TWO big music festivals in Asheville in the coming year.
Not much info yet on either festival, or if one or both will be held on Halloween weekend, as was Moogfest’s tradition from its first year.
Referring to when each of the festivals will happen in 2013, Bob Moog Foundation Executive Director Michelle Moog-Koussa, the daughter of music pioneer and adoptive Ashevillean Bob Moog, said in a WLOS interview last night she believes that Moog Music and AC Entertainment are both “smart enough to place their festivals in a position where both will be successful.” (The BMF and Moog Music are not the same organization: The BMF is a nonprofit foundation, while Moog Music is the electronic music company Bob Moog founded.)
WLOS and Moog-Koussa reiterated yet again that Moogfest is committed to Asheville. As are Ashley Capps, AC Entertainment and the new Mountain Oasis Electronic Music Summit.
Hoo boy. Two festivals in 2013, and two annually for the foreseeable future? How will programming and lineups compare? Will original fans stick with Moogfest, or head for the new Mountain Oasis? Who will Moog Music choose as a new promoter, and why didn’t the relationship with AC Entertainment work out?
Save your dollars, electronic music fans. You’ve got double the fun in 2013.
More details for both festivals as they become available.
I wonder whose is bigger?
I have more worry and questions about this idea than excitement…like will the two events be happening in the same time of year? And will two festivals actually bolster and enhance the billings and line-up or just cancel each other out and provide for a watered-down “meh” experience for both? I hope they can obliterate my skepticism with something stunning.
Ooooh. This is just like when Lake Eden split into two festivals back in the 90s. Except AC Entertainment’s checks to the artists won’t bounce.