Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.
[<a href=”//storify.com/JenniferSaylor/warren-haynes-christmas-jam-2012-in-pics-and-video” target=”_blank”>View the story “Warren Haynes Christmas Jam 2012 in pics and video” on Storify</a>]<br /> <h1>Warren Haynes Christmas Jam 2012 in pics and video</h1> <h2></h2> <p>Storified by · Mon, Dec 17 2012 07:24:21</p> <div>Warren Haynes Presents The Christmas Jam 2012CLICK TO ENTER XMASJAM.COM · CLICK TO ENTER XMASJAM.COM.</div> <div>Xmas Jam lineup #avlmusic http://pic.twitter.com/wuNfFxDTJohn A. Zara</div> <div>#christmasjam #xmasjam #Asheville #nc #lastnight #jamband #epic #lights #warrenhanes #sci #stringcheeseincidentTamara Hill</div> <div>So. Many. People. #ChristmasJam http://pic.twitter.com/jmkQRxbCMegan McKinney</div> <div>#xmasjam can’t get off to a mellower start than w Blind Boys intoning Amazing Grace. Gonna be a good night. #avlsceneJason Sandford</div> <div>Blind Boys of Alabama #xmasjam http://pic.twitter.com/u6cQE0EmJason Sandford</div> <div>The Blind Boys sing Amazing Grace with incredible soul. #xmasjamJason Sandford</div> <div>How is it Sheryl Crow doesn’t age??? Not one bit. She’s 50. #xmasjam #avlsceneJason Sandford</div> <div>#avlmusic #XmasJam http://pic.twitter.com/uxrTRstZJohn A. Zara</div> <div>Hey #sherylcrow ! #christmasjamalison bunnen</div> <div>Sheryl Crow is playing all her well-known faves. Nothing new from fer #xmasjam set so far. Crowd is soaking it up, chill. #avlsceneJason Sandford</div> <div>The Avett Brothers started out w old school jams and just lightened things up with a new ballad. Now At the Beach. #avlscene #xmasjamJason Sandford</div> <div>The Avett Brothers at The Warren Haynes Christmas Jam 2012momofthree28804</div> <div>Avett Brothers made quite an impression on the #xmasjam crowd.Andy Fleming</div> <div>Warren DOSEN’T sit in with @theavettbros #avlmusic #XmasJamJohn A. Zara</div> <div>#asheville #instagood #christmasjam #awesomecrewSarah Hopkins</div> <div>String Cheese Incident #christmasjam #sciLindsey Hynes</div> <div>#stringcheeseincident #sci #asheville #northcarolina #xmasjam #christmasjam #bestfeeling #concert #lights #canilivewhileimyoung #smile #joyfulsoundKevin Kirkwood</div> <div>#christmasjam #ashevile #warrenhaynes #greatness #humble #worthy #charity #rage http://pic.twitter.com/q6uvxyvlChase Brugh</div> <div>And the crowd roars #xmasjam #avlscene http://pic.twitter.com/O38LtcDkKathi Petersen</div>
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