The world according to WLOS

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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Here’s a comment from mr. fuSchia, proving that WLOSers really are as dumb as we think they are:

You know, I don’t really know why you all bitch so much about there not being “real news” out there. If anything, you should be lucky that WLOS leads with stories about Halloween Safety and Snow on the Parkway. Sure as hell makes me feel a lot safer to live here in Asheville. Go to New York or Washington DC sometime, and you will get your “real news.” It will be something along the lines of “the maimed corpse of the 11th victim of a serial killer is found.” Yeah, watching stories about Halloween Safety isn’t as thrilling as watching an episode of CSI, but it is comforting knowing that the only danger I have to worry about is driving on icy roads, not eating too much candy, and ancient people (cause they are scary drivers around here).

OK, here’s the deal. See if you can follow this: Nobody is bitching about the lack of “real news” or the lack of crime in Ashvegas. We’re bitching about all the fake bullshit you WLOSers call news.

Are you seriously trying to say that WLOS is trying to make people feel_safe_ by leading the news with a story about how sexual predators are lurking in every neighborhood ready to prey on little Johnny. And that’s just one example of how WLOS takes any crime story – any crime story at all – and just runs with it. “If it bleeds it leads,” right?

Do you understand what a warped picture of the community your station is painting by making such a big deal out of a stupid redneck getting Taser-ed or a convenience story beating??? Ashvegas and surrounding towns have one of the lowest crime rates in the state.

You seriously think the bullshit infotainment you WLOSers are putting out there is making people feel safer? It’s not. It’s a false reality you portray, and you don’t build up the community at all.

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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  1. Ash October 30, 2005

    mr. fuSchia – thanks for reading, and thanks for taking it all in the right frame of mind. thank god somebody gets it!

  2. mr. fuSchia October 30, 2005

    LOL – trust me, I don’t work for WLOS – I’m actually employeed with a private web development company – but I do love the comments on this site, and just wanted to strike up some friendly arguements

  3. waz October 30, 2005

    Good work Vegas, keep up the full court press. The WLOSers are not used to having any feedback. There are no letters to the editor page in their world. I vote we remove that dumbass “Thats My Opinion” bit and give Vegas a more appropriate forum for the voice of the people!

  4. mr. fuSchia October 30, 2005

    Whoa now, wait a second. Who said I was a WLOSer? That is a quick assumption you make without any evidence to back it up. And you took my point out of context. First of all, I am not saying the whole community supports my opinion. Your obvious retaliatory statement proves that. And I agree with you that “scaring” the viewers is not right in any form or fashion. But being someone who is educated, I PERSONALLY understand that the “fake bullshit” that we see on TV every day is nothing more than that, “fake bullshit.” I find it amusing that the big news stories in our area are about a redneck wrestling fight or a turtle being stolen from a restaurant. But I PERSONALLY find it comforting as well, knowing that I can leave my doors unlocked at night and not worry about a potential thief or killer coming inside. All I am saying is that if you are looking for “real” news, watch channel 4 or 7. They have a least 1-2 murders a week. Or turn on CNN and watch how corrupt the government is, or how millions of people are dying of hunger, or how freaked out there are trying to make everyone because of the bird flu. PERSONALLY, the fear of getting some snow on the parkway (mainly cause I love driving in the snow) makes me look at the glass half full, and have some faith left in humanity.

    Now with that said, I throw out a counter argument as well. Every year, one of our local colleges does something called the Western North Carolina Poll. One of the questions on there goes something like this: “how many murders are there in your county each year.” They get answers from people from all over WNC, and the results are disturbing. You said it yourself, “Ashvegas and surrounding towns have one of the lowest crime rates in the state.” But every year, the numbers show people who live here think otherwise. I believe the average number people say for their county is something around 25 murders a year. Multiply that by all the counties here, and well that’s a lot of dead people. All of0 the media here take a murder or some bad event and blow it way out of proportion, and yes that includes the Citizen Crimes and WWNC. In a sense, all of the media then scare people to thinking this bad event, if it be a murder or a tazering or a sexual predator that didn’t register cause he is 10 years out… they think it is happening right in their neighborhood. Someone living in Canton sees or hears “FLU PANDEMIC” and thinks it happened outside, and goes and starts Lysol, or I guess Moonshine, it’s the same stuff. Or take my grandparents for example: they see something about a new cell phone virus and think Satan himself has invaded the planet and taken over trying to kill everyone.

    Okay, now I am just ranting, and thus I should stop now. In any means, I love the website and the comments here. It’s fun to get riled up and have a good argument about what’s going on, and of course poke fun at our local celebrities.


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