Jason Sandford
Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.
Predicting the weather in the mountains is much like what I imagine being a political pundit is like – you just say whatever you want and hope it’s true. Take today’s weather gurus.
The Citizen-Times trumpets, using a wire report from the weather service, that a hard snow is going to fall. Great, just what we need.
All this takes me back to the Blizzard of ’93. It was mid March, just like now, and I was here in Ashvegas, and boy was it rough. No power for three days. Snow drifts waist-high. A whistling wind that cut in that way that both hurts and numbs at the same time. Vicious.
And I had to listen to the ACC Tournament on the radio. Life sucked.
Bridge behemothI also had to go to work, because that’s what I do. Being in relatively good health, and living probably four miles from work, I figured it wouldn’t be a problem. I figured my trusty mountain bike could easily navigate the furrows in the two-foot deep snow.
Bustling bridgeSo I set out, and really didn’t have a problem. The city had shut down. There was no traffic. So I mashed my way down Leicester Highway, onto Patton and over Smoky Park Bridge.
I savored the bridge crossing. Usually, traffic roars as thousands of vehicles use the bridge to cross the old French Broad. But not on this Saturday, the Saturday during the Blizzard of ’93. It was quiet, peaceful in the way that snow settles things down.
BridgewalkI stopped in the middle of the road, just owning it. Not a car in sight. Me on the bridge, alone. I don’t think it will ever happen again.
But back to the impending storm – none of the other sites I quickly checked make such bold predictions, although I have spotted the two weather systems that just may collide and make life interesting.
Accuweather calls for some rain and snow showers. Weatherdotcom says the same. The National Weather Service web site again has more of the same – light snow mixed with rain. But no major snow storm.
I know the weather people warn us to protect us. But it seems as though all common sense goes out the window when it comes to the weather. Just watch the woeful local TV news. It’s a perfect TV story because all they have to do is stick a camera out a window and – presto – news! It doesn’t help that sweeps weeks fall during this time of year. Anything for ratings, baby.
The weather so far this March has been crazy enough. We’ve had high winds, some snow, darn cold temps. And a 73-degree day on Sunday.
Weather gods, just chill. (okay, maybe I shouldn’t put it that way…)
My plan is this: hope for a wonderful snowday, where we all get to stay home and play but it doesn’t stay around and become an ugly nuisance, but expect rain and 35F temps with high winds. That way I am never disappointed. I feel really cheated bgy the lack of snow in the area this year. As a matter of fact, I want my money back.