Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.
We had a week or so of reprieve from the intense summer heat, but the dog days are back, y’all. But not to worry–you can count on us to help you keep the heat at bay. This weekend, we’ve got a list of ways to help you beat the heat along with our usual list of seriously cool events. Check out our video for our exclusive tips (plus our special “mystery guest”) and a rundown of the events, or read on, below.
Fashmob is a yearly event that brings together photographers, models, stylists, makeup artists, designers, and more to connect and dream up big ideas. Happening at the Salvage Station, which has some creative and unique outdoor spaces and serves food and drink. Admission is free. Live music from Krekel and Whoa starts at 9 pm.
“Listen to This” happens at the Orange Peel this time around, and the theme is dogs! Storytellers include Betsy Puckett, Grayson Morris, Jim Julien, and more. Live music from Jeff Santiago & Los Gatos Negros. Tickets $10/$12.
This creative retelling of the Fool’s journey from the Major Arcana of the tarot is brought to you by Fox and Beggar Theater. Check out our preview on Asheville Grit.
This dream workshop happens in two sessions over the weekend. Dream expert and professor Bernard Welt of the International Association for the Study of Dreams and Corcoran College of the Arts + Design at George Washington University facilitates an afternoon of dream exploration, with tips on dream recollection and journaling. Grit’s own Ali McGhee is a huge fan of this workshop! The workshop runs on Saturday and Sunday at a cost of $80.
The history of one of Asheville’s fascinating neighborhoods, which includes the story of Sayles Village and Bleachery and the development of the area surrounding it. The talk is followed by an optional self-guided tour through some landmark spots in the neighborhood. A donation of $10 is suggested as a contribution to preservation efforts.
We’ve got two free tickets for one lucky winner for this edition of the Teatro del Gusto, which showcases the best of burlesque, circus arts, comedy, and more at the Orange Peel. Have you entered our ticket giveaway yet? We’ll announce a winner on Friday at 5 pm.
Anything we should add to our list? Let us know in the comments!