Jason Sandford
Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.
It is open enrollment time for the Affordable Care Act, and there are a handful events around Western North Carolina on Saturday to help people get signed up. In Asheville, folks can go to the US Cellular any time between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Saturday and receive help from Pisgah Legal Services and other ACA partners. Here’s the full press release:
Folks who need help signing up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act can meet with trained, in-person assisters at free events this Saturday, November 11.
Pisgah Legal Services and other ACA Partners of WNC will educate people about their options and help them enroll at events happening in Asheville, Brevard, Black Mountain and Rutherfordton. Other events take place on Nov. 17 and 18 in Burnsville and Marshall.
Appointments can be made by calling toll-free: 855-733-3711 or make an appointment online here. Walk-in appointments are available at all sites and will be provided on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Nov. 11 Events:
9am-4pm US Cellular Center, 87 Haywood St., Asheville
Sponsored by Mission Health
9am-2:30pm Unitarian Universalists UUTC— 24 Varsity St., Brevard
9am-1:30pm Pisgah Legal Services— 169 N. Main St., Rutherfordton
11am-5pm Black Mountain Library— 105 Dougherty St., Black Mountain
Nov. 17: 9am-4pm Yancey County Senior Center – 503 Medical Campus Dr., Burnsville
Nov 18: 10am-2pm Madison County Library – 1335 N. Main St., Marshall
Consumers should bring the following to the enrollment events:
Social Security Numbers or document numbers for immigrants;
Employer name and phone number, and income information for every member of your household who is working or has income and needs coverage;
Policy numbers for current health insurance plans covering members of your household.
Consumers who cannot attend the November 11 events are reminded that they can still make an individual appointment for a day and time that best meets their needs. Don’t delay – Open Enrollment ends on early this year on Dec. 15.
Pisgah Legal Services is a nonprofit law firm providing free civil legal aid since 1978 to help low-income people meet their basic needs, such as protection from domestic violence, avoiding homelessness, finding safe housing, and accessing health care and subsistence income. For more information, call Pisgah Legal Services at 828-253-0406 or toll free at 800-489-6144 or visit www.pisgahlegal.org.