Second Gear, Asheville’s answer for affordable outdoor gear and clothing, has opened a second location in downtown Asheville at 15 West Walnut St. Serving Asheville’s outdoor community since 2004, Second Gear offers a way for consignors to get excellent rates for “recycling’ their lightly-used kayaks, canoes, bicycles, outdoor clothing, hiking boots, and camping equipment. Discerning outdoor enthusiasts can get quality used gear without paying full retail prices.
As a celebration and a thanks to all of their consignors and customers, there will be a grand opening party on Saturday, March 24, from 10am until 8pm. All customers will get an extra 15% off of the already discounted inventory at the 15 Walnut location. In addition, there will be food, beverages, and giveaways.
Second Gear has grown steadily within the West Asheville community for nearly eight years. Within that time period 3,400 consignors have sold 60,000 pieces of merchandise through the store. Second Gear mails hundreds of checks to local residents on a monthly basis.
“This expansion represents eight years of growing relationships within the community of both consignors and customers” said store manager Eric Smythers. “We’re excited to play such a direct and unique role in our local economy while getting more people outside.”
Along with used gear, Second Gear also carries a selection of new items including guidebooks, maps, disc golf equipment, climbing gear, and an array of dealer samples at low prices. Both locations will continue to carry the selection of new and used items that long-time customers have come to expect, while the new downtown store has added a wider range of maps and guidebooks to help both locals and tourists familiarize themselves with the wilderness of Western North Carolina.
The original store at 444 Haywood Rd in West Asheville, just off of I-240 will serve as the intake location for all consignment items. The new location is downtown at the corner of Walnut and N. Lexington. Second Gear is locally owned and operated.