Jason Sandford
Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.
From the Wautauga Democrat, a piece on a new fermentation sciences B.S. degree coming to Appalachian State University. While the degree can be applied in careers in water treatment, biopharmaceuticals, and producing fuels and chemicals, the program’s director acknowledges it’s also useful in “craft beverage production.”
The university has had “preliminary discussions with both New Belgium and Sierra Nevada breweries regarding partnerships with Appalachian,” and is discussing a transfer partnership with Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College.
Appalachian State University has received permission from the UNC Board of Governors to offer a Bachelor of Science degree in fermentation sciences. The university expects to enroll students in the new degree program beginning this fall.
The interdisciplinary degree will include coursework in advanced chemistry and biology, math, nutrition and business and builds on courses already offered in the College of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Chemistry: wine production principles, principles of fermentation science and brewing science.
The degree will prepare students for careers in the fermented foods and beverages industry, bio-processing fields, such as fuels, and the pharmaceutical industry.
“We have already received external funding to support the degree program and its core facility, established a partnership with a waste-water treatment company that employs the fermentation process and have resounding support from the N.C. craft beverage industries,” Calamai said. “We also have had preliminary discussions with both New Belgium and Sierra Nevada breweries regarding partnerships with Appalachian.” Earlier this year, both breweries announced plans to build facilities in the Asheville area.
Read the whole article here.