Jason Sandford
Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.
Here’s the note from loyal reader Carla regarding Sante Wine Bar, which announced it was up for sale a few weeks ago:
Hi Jason –
I hope the New Year finds you well!
I returned from my holiday travels to the find a rumor lurking about town that Santé is closing. I’d like to set the record strait and you reach so many people I thought I’d contact you in the hopes that this will find it’s way onto Ashvegas.
Be assured that Santé is not closing. Santé won’t even miss a beat as a seamless transition is planned between myself and the new owner. The staff will remain the same and the tradition of rotating wines monthly will continue. The twelve wine and four local beer taps are flowing beautifully and more and more wine in keg is being offered by distributors each and every month as additional winemakers and wineries jump on the “drink green” bandwagon. Santé remains the only wine tap room in the state and that fact brings pride to the operating management both old and new. We invite all to come experience the latest and greatest and greenest way to drink wine by the glass if you’ve not already done so, or if you’ve fallen in love with keg wine because it’s just so darn fresh and lively, then come see us. We open daily at 4:00 and will continue to do so. I stand by my claim that Santé offers the best wine at the best price in town. It’s just what
we do and that’s not going to change!
Additionally, we are planning the “passing of the torch ceremony” to the new owner (and announcing who it is!) this Thursday at our January Flight Night at 7:00 PM. If you have interest in covering the event, it would be our pleasure to host you.
As of now I assume Sante doesn’t get much foot traffic. Wait until the new hotel/whatever gets built across from the basilica and the money will start flowing.