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The 2nd and 3rd floor of the Chrysler Building are apartments, with rent starting at $850/month.
The parking garage next to the building will also have apartments above it when it is completed.
Looks like we learned absolutely nothing from the crash.
Who is “we”?
I’m thinking “we” stands for the community as a whole and if so, then no “we” didn’t learn anything: “We” still have the developers who want to build, the people who want to move here, the people who don’t care, and, most importantly, the vast population of NIMBY’s who oppose everything now and who opposed everything before 2008.
Same as it ever was, same as it ever was…
1. Developers build because, well, they are developers.
2. Some people want to move here, some don’t.
3. Some people care and some don’t.
4. Some people are NIMBYs and some aren’t.
You’re explanation of “we” and learning was meaningless.
You sound bitter, Indie, my dear… Are you upset that Asheville is growing? I note a hint of discomfort that people insist on following all the other folks who’ve moved here, and I note more than a hint of hypocrisy when someone who has moved here then wants to slam the door behind them.
It’s not just commercial property that is selling like overpriced biscuits, sub-par “chinese,” tiny tapas or a $12 “speak-easy” cocktail in this town…
the Wall Street Journal reports that residential properties in the AVL area are moving like bowels after a trip to the food truck lot… quickly!!
I hope there’s a serious push to build some major league residential projects as the South Slope develops. It’s not like they’ll be making any more downtown land any time soon, so we need to make sure that the land we’ve got downtown is used to its highest, best purpose for the city and the community. This is our last shot to make downtown a live/work neighborhood.
HH is a huge user of plural pronouns. His schtick would play better in a centrally planned economy, where highest and best use is defined not by $, but by what some bureaucrat thinks.
Don’t fret, dear heart… Your schtick plays well in a chaotic economy where NIMBY’s can block just about anything for just about the stupidest reasons they can think of.
Which is to say it plays just dandy in Asheville, where the NIMBY’s are gem quality. If you have better ideas for the South Slope, let’s hear them. As I see it, there isn’t a great deal to protect there, and even less that’s worth protecting. There’s plenty of room for new growth — hopefully residential growth — among the historic buildings that are (and should be) undergoing renovation and protection.
thinking HH is probably our own dear sweet council person, Gordon Smith