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If you don’t mind me for asking, but who is Art Pope? I will be moving soon to Weaverville. Should I reconsider?
Weaverville is coming up in the world. Publix will make it even better.
Thanks, Rose’s, for serving the community for all these years. Shopping at Rose’s is like getting a pay raise. That can be a lifesaver for poor people.
We all know that Mouthpiece is trolling, and that he’s never set foot in an Art Pope discount store other than for right-wing fundraisers, but let’s note for the record:
1) Cheap imported shit needs replacing more often. It’s expensive being poor.
2) Shopping at Rose’s isn’t like getting a raise if cheap imported shit has taken your job away. Remember when the textiles, furniture and paper products made in NC weren’t just for rich folks?
3) Yeah, buy that cheap imported shit and make Art Pope rich enough to buy the state legislature and give other millionaires a tax break while making you pay sales tax on even more stuff.
Now, libertarian ideologies like Mouthpiece would argue that everyone gets richer thanks to cheap imported shit, but that’s because Mouthpiece has never engaged in productive activity his entire thankless life.
Nice way to turn the thread to me. Thanks.
Buy cheap, you get cheap. The store has become a dirty, dingy place & the clothes are made as cheap as you can get. Some feel like they were made out of paper, LOL.
So on Ashvegas, Art Pope Retail Empire > any downtown chain stores.
I’m amazed that this Rose’s has lasted as long as it has.
The last time I was in there was about 10 years ago and it could not get out fast. It did not appear that the place had been cleaned in ages and there was absolutely no order to anything with merchandise thrown about everywhere. Between that and the Wal-mart just down the street how did it survive all this time.
Like others, I don’t care what kind of bargains it is having given the Art Pope connection.
Even for steep discounts, I wouldn’t put a penny in Art Pope’s pocket.
Or alternatively you could avoid businesses owned by Art Pope, who made his money from poorer people and uses it to further enrich rich people. Let that damn store close with all its stock on the shelves so Pope has to pay people to take it away.
No Luther…. really, that Rose’s is a seriously hilarious, loony-tunes bazaar of weird products, oddly juxtaposed merchandise, coo-coo pants marketing and…… well, it’s just 100% BANANAS in there!!
Please Asheville, make your way to the Weaverville Rose’s before it closes. You will NOT be disappointed!