Jason Sandford
Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.
This looks like wicked fun. Press release:
Philadelphia’s Transmissions Theatre is proud to present their new one-woman puppet show, Jug-Baby: An Autobiography for one night only at The Odditorium. Unsure of how they will feed their unexpected child, Mother and Father do the only logical thing they can think of: they place their newborn baby in a jug in order to mold it into something they can sell to a circus. When Jug-Baby finally emerges, it has no gender or identity to call its own, and soon realizes that others can mold it into whatever they desire. Join Jug-Baby on its fantastical journey as it learns to move past the expectations of others to find its own identity, aided by puppets, animations and live music.
Transmissions Theatre’s past productions include the ‘fiendishly satisfying noir comedy/thriller’ Rails (NO Fringe, ’13), the epic sci-fi adventure Iminami, hailed as ‘pure genius’ by Philadelphia Weekly, and the ‘utterly, transcendently bizarre’ Water Bears in Space.
Jug-Baby will be performed The Odditorium, 1045 Haywood Rd on November 17th. The performance features live music by long-time collaborators Upholstery, animations by Sean MacPhee and Nora Humpage, with performance and puppets by C. Kennedy. The night will feature musical performances by The Resonant Rogues (Asheville) and Upholstery (Philadelphia).
Listings Information:
WHAT: Jug-Baby: An Autobiography, with special musical guests The Resonant Rogues and Upholstery
WHEN: Monday November 17th, 9pm
WHERE: The Odditorium, 1045 Haywood Rd, Asheville (828) 575-9299
TICKETS: $5 available at the door.
For more information:
…about Transmissions Theatre visit http://www.transmissionstheatre.weebly.com
…about The Odditorium, visit http://ashevilleodditorium.com
…about The Resonant Rogues, visit http://www.theresonantrogues.com
…about Upholstery, visit http://upholsteredmusic.com