On the streets of Ashvegas: Bele Chere heathen

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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Bele Chere 2010: Heathen

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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  1. Asheville Dweller July 30, 2010

    Dan is correct, the loud crowd here in town start screaming acceptance and "Coexisting", until they hear someone else opinion and then they dont want to hear it anymore. So progressive of them and their mindset, freedom of speech is a two way street.

  2. t July 28, 2010

    these people piss me off more than anything. i’m a local church going person but have a very different view of spreading love to those who may differ from me. what i do not have patience for is these guys….

  3. Dan July 28, 2010

    Typical Asheville loser. They all talk about "Coexisting" but disrespect someone who has a permit to speak. But you better not disrespect them if they want to say something.

  4. Jimbo in Sandy Mush July 28, 2010

    I’m just glad the Lord brought rain on Sunday to wash away 2 days of devil’s play by the heathens, homos, and whores. HAVE MERCY! All the boozin and fornicatin and carousin. Probably needed a fire hose to clean up the streets and wash away all the condiment wrappers.

  5. Angela July 27, 2010

    It’s to my understanding that the preachers DO have to buy a permit and do so ahead of time. The area manager in Pack Square that I was working with said they had an allotted time. He also commented that Miss Drummer Girl was supposed to have not been there as she only had a 3 hr slot that she had used up, that’s why the preachers could be at Pack Square Friday Night.

  6. Jeff July 27, 2010

    Why is it a busker playing an acoustic instrument and using their own natural voice to sing and entertain has to buy a permit ($120?) while a man with a megaphone spouting hate and screaming gets to stand on his ladder for free?

  7. Angela July 26, 2010

    Hahahaha! That is awesome! Had I been able to be down there I would have worn my Pagan Mom Blog tee shirt.

  8. Dude man July 26, 2010

    That is awesome……

  9. plastic paddy July 26, 2010

    How dare you take a picture of that heathen standing in the gutter like that, how would you like it if someone took a photo of you or one of your family members standing in the gutter, I’m surpised the preacher didn’t try to have you arested. You shoud be ASHamed and you had better hope that that heathen dosen’t sue you.



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