Officials investigate North Fork River fish kill near Coats America in McDowell County

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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epa_fish_kill_north_fork_july_2015State and federal officials are investigating a report of a fish kill on July 2 along the North Fork River in McDowell County. The fish kill occurred near a river tributary that is close to Coats America’s waste water treatment plant. Coats America is a yarn/thread manufacturer in Marion.

Here are some of the details, from a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency report:

2.1.1 Narrative
US EPA received a report of a “fish kill” in the North Fork River on July 2 at approximately 11:00 am. A request for sampling and analytical support was initiated by local Emergency Management officials. The initial report indicated that several hundred dead fish were discovered the night of July 1 at approximately 8:00 pm. McDowell County Emergency Management, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) and Asheville Regional Response Team began investigating the cause and source of the fish kill the night of July 1. Dead fish were observed for 2 miles downstream of the confluence of Limekiln Creek and the North Fork River. NCDENR Water Resources followed the dead fish up Limekiln Creek to a unnamed tributary that flows adjacent to the Coats America waste water treatment lagoons.
NCDENR Water Resources observed dead fish just downstream of the waste water treatment lagoons in the unnamed tributary. No dead fish were observed upstream of the waste water treatment lagoons in the unnamed tributary. A beaver dam was also observed that appeared to have ruptured within recent days. A dark black substance was also noted behind the beaver dam. Water quality monitoring conducted by NCDENR in the dark black substance indicated that the substance had a very low dissolved oxygen concentration and a high pH (11.7). A elevated pH and low dissolved oxygen was also observed in Limekiln Creek and the North Fork River downstream of the unnamed tributary in the “fish kill” area. No dead fish were observed upstream from the Limekiln Creek and North Fork River confluence. US EPA initiated a Emergency Response to assist on July 2.

2.1.2 Response Actions to Date
US EPA, NCDENR and Coats America are monitoring water quality in the unnamed tributary, Limekiln Creek and North Fork River. Water samples are being collected for laboratory analysis. Investigation is being conducted to identify the source and cause of the fish kill.
Public Health Officials have issued a “Swim Advisory” for the North Fork River.

2.1.3 Enforcement Activities, Identity of Potentially Responsible Parties (PRPs)
Due to the discovery of the dark black substance in close proximity to the Coats America waste water treatment lagoons and the characteristics of the material having a low dissolved oxygen concentration and high pH; US EPA requested that Coats America hire a environmental contractor to collect and contain the suspect material.
Coats America hired ERM as their consultants and Clean Harbors as their cleanup contractor. Coats America has agreed to recover and maintain containment of the suspect material as well as investigate source and cause. Coats is also assisting with sample collection operations.

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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  1. Tim Peck July 8, 2015

    Ha ha. You so funny. Redirects are funny.

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      Mine or yours?

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    Jonathan Wainscott.

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      Gilbert de Clare, the 8th Earl of Gloucester.


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