Jason Sandford
Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

Update Friday afternoon: Tickets are on sale now.
They’re $20. Ticket link here.
The show is general admission, and extra fees apply when buying online. You can also buy with cash or check at Malaprop’s.
The show will sell out. Act fast Asheville!
From the Diana Wortham website:
Asheville Unchained
Sunday, Sept. 16
7:30 p.m.
An evening of storytelling and music.
The tour’s cast* will include Neil Gaiman, an internationally acclaimed author of four novels and the recipient of the Hugo Award, Newbery Medal and Carnegie Medal in Literature, among other prizes; Mr. Edgar Oliver, Savannah-born playwright and raconteuring star of the Edinburgh Festival; Peter Aguero, a multi-talented artist currently hosting The Moth and leading NYC’s improvised storytelling rock band, The BTK Band.
*One other raconteur and band TBA.
Check out the promo video with snippets of magic from two years of championing independent bookstores, storytelling, music, and the art of doing all things local.
Website for the Unchained Tour
Unchained Tour on Facebook
Unchained Tour promo video:
Unchained from Matt Perry on Vimeo.
Malaprop’s bookstore tweeted the news this morning:
Neil Gaiman will be in AVL next month! Tickets aren’t available yet, but will be soon here: http://t.co/XvwXfyEg #avlent
Ashvegas has had an eye out on this the past few months, noting that the award-winning writer of fiction and graphic novels was tweeting that he would one day visit. We have also noted that Gaiman’s son is going to get married in Asheville this fall.
Malaprop’s was directing people to unchainedtour.org, which features contemporary storytellers. The tour supports independent book stores, and has a stop scheduled at Diana Wortham Theatre in Asheville. More from the site:
Best selling author and founder of the internationally acclaimed storytelling network The Moth, George Dawes Green brings The Unchained Tour out for a unique evening of entertainment. The Tour will be featuring storytellers from The Moth, musicians and circus performers. These are not your grandfather’s storytellers—their contemporary stories are drawn from personal experience and are riveting, poignant, hilarious and contemplative.
The Unchained Tour is a 11-show 9-city bus tour throughout The South drawing attention to and promoting locally owned, independent bookstores.
Unchained believes that the art of the raconteur—the telling of unscripted, personal, porch-style stories—is one of the great arts, and that nights of storytelling are vital to any vibrant and healthy community. Our mission is to bring brilliant raconteurs, along with musicians and writers and other artists, to towns large and small across the South—and eventually across the continent. We’ll champion the local and home-grown: independent bookstores, community gardens, performing cafes. We’ll advocate getting offline and off the grid, and wherever we go we’ll celebrate the pleasure and inspiration of raconteuring.
never mind…sorry found it!
Asheville Unchained
The Unchained Tour Website
Sunday, September 16, 2012
7:30 PM
Tickets on Sale Soon!
An evening of storytelling and music.
The tour’s cast* will include Neil Gaiman, an internationally acclaimed author of four novels and the recipient of the Hugo Award, Newbery Medal and Carnegie Medal in Literature, among other prizes; Mr. Edgar Oliver, Savannah-born playwright and raconteuring star of the Edinburgh Festival; Peter Aguero, a multi-talented artist currently hosting The Moth and leading NYC’s improvised storytelling rock band, The BTK Band.
So what’s the real deal here? Neither place mentions this one bit? HELLO!!???
Saw this headline & I had to go check it out! Malaprop’s clarified in a later tweet: he will not be AT Malaprop’s, but at Diana Wortham. So you may want to tweak your headline! 🙂
Important distinction. Thanks.