Mission Hospital trauma doc who quit amid turmoil last summer now set to return

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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Dr. Mike Buechler, the much-beloved Mission Hospital doctor who resigned last July, will return to work at the hospital. Sources say he’ll return this week.

Buechler, widely admired as one of the key architects of the hospital’s trauma center  – a center recognized as one of the best in North Carolina, and one of the best in the country – left last summer amid turmoil between some hospital doctors and administrators. Buechler’s resignation was seen by many as the boiling-over point of all the controversy. (Click here to read Buechler’s resignation letter from last July.)

In the wake of all the contention, the hospital board created a special committee to investigate. The committee returned a report late last year, but officials of the nonprofit hospital – one of the biggest employers in Western North Carolina – have yet to reveal its findings.

Also in the wake of the controversy, hospital president and CEO Joe Damore resigned, effective Jan. 31. The hospital has appointed an interim leader as it conducts a national search for Damore’s permanent replacement.

There’s undoubtedly plenty more big changes in store for Mission Hospital in 2010. 

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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  1. Anon April 7, 2010

    Anyone know a good attorney? Think there are several people that would like to sue.

  2. Anon March 25, 2010

    to "dismayed no longer"
    things have NOT gotten better.
    In fact a member of the leadership staff inside of the radiology department is no longer with us. His memorial service was last Monday and I bet alomst half of the attendees were hospital employees. Will this mans death be in vain? Will no one listen anymore? Will the atrocities committed by Maria Rollof and Kristi Sink not ve investigate???

  3. Dismayed No Longer March 11, 2010

    So-o-o-o-o-o…. what’s the deal at MMH these days? Has anyone seen any improvement in nursing, Radiology, the Lab, etc? Who is running emergency services? Has there been any improvement in HR?

    There is an ominous silence concerning changes.

  4. justthinking February 27, 2010

    Ash..I have just heard about another new Vice President that our board of directors has hired. I am so disheartened and disgusted. The Vice Presidents we have can’t do their jobs and now we have another one to pay for. HOW DO WE FIRE OUR BOARD? These have to be the most incompetent board members ever. We have approximately 20 plus V.P.s How on earth do we need more? Why don’t we get rid of the ones who are not performing and hire a new management team. This is compounding mistakes made by the past administration, oh wait, this is the past administration minus one. By the way, the new VP is for Trauma and Ortho and Neurosciences. Good Grief, we will need a VP for every service line before this ends. If anyone wants to know why health costs are so mind boggling, this is a good place to start.

  5. had enough February 9, 2010

    Ahh ha!! Someone is finally seeing the light. Kristy Sink has lost many departments all due to her incompetency! She needs to be relieved of all duties. Seriously folks, this woman has terrorized the departments long enough without so much as a slap on the hand. She had to do a 360 ( have those she works with give a review of sorts, evaluation so to speak) after that she lost many depts ( all depts excluding ACA and radiology) Did she have a decrease in pay? Ms Sink,,in your life review in the after-world you WILL feel all the agony,hurt,pain and sorrow that you dished out to the undeserving. It is called KARMA. Hope you have to pick up your family and move somewhere that you don’t want to be! Get a taste of your own medicine. You don’t deserve to be leading dogs around. You have NO idea what leadership is and your side-kick Brian Asston can go with you,,,,Maria Rolloff,,,we already know you’re out the door. "Thanks Ashvegas for letting me vent"

  6. Wondering January 7, 2010

    Hey, what ever happened to all of the requests for some "in depth" reporting on this story? Has Mission shut that down too? Have the report from the special board committee been released? I am glad that there is an interim CEO but it certainly appears that Mission has once again been allowed to duck their resposibility to come clean to the public concerning what happened and what the plan is to clean up the mess. Is there not one reporter that can take the initiative, and stand up to this hospital to give the public the information for which they are screaming and begging? Several people have placed posts on here stating that they would be more than willing to talk and tell their story. Is there not a single reporter in this town that has enough guts to pick up this story and really find the truth?

  7. anon January 5, 2010

    To "Dismayed No Longer," I say "AMEN!"
    Unfortunately there was a very personal, albeit true, post concerning Ms. Sink and I believe that has made people want to lend her sympathy. I certainly hope that everyone remembers the past, evaluates the truth, and is able to understand that behaviors such that these people displayed do not just go away. It is my hope that they can learn from thier huge mistakes but it needs to be somewhere else. The true leaders at MIssion, the directors and front line supervisors, need time to heal and take care of thier departments and staff. As has been said on here many times before, it is too late for Brain Asston, Maria Roloff, Frank Ford, and Kristi Sink! The divorce papers need to be served to these individuals asap!

  8. Dismayed No Longer January 5, 2010

    Excellent news! With a great deal of luck it might be possible to retrieve Dr. Shillinglaw. Finally, some positive news for MMH staff and WNC patients.

    There are, of course, many significant changes waiting to be made (Aston, Sink, HR Dept) before MMH can move with speed in a constructive and positive way.


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