
LAB reopens after Sunday night pig’s blood incident in back room music venue

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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lab_reopens_june_2014Summer tourists, soccer fans and supporters eager to see the gastropub back up and running were streaming into Lexington Avenue Brewery at 11:30 Thursday morning, the first time the craft brewery has been opening since Sunday night. That’s when the band Young and In the Way sprayed gallons of pig’s blood across the stage and audience in the LAB’s back room.

The restaurant is cleaned up and ready to go. In support of that, Ashvegas is running a contest to come up with a creative name for a beer that’s inspired by the Sunday incident. Enter! You might win a $75 gift certificate to the LAB!

Rock on, LAB!

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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  1. Sean July 2, 2014

    Maybe they should reduce the performance room to this: http://geekologie.com/2014/07/so-metal-death-metal-band-to-play-in-sou.php

  2. Doug S. June 27, 2014

    How about “Lame Gimmick Grolsch”? “No Hugs From Mommy = Broke and Spraying Pig Blood For Attention Ale”?

  3. T-time June 27, 2014

    Sunday Bloody Sunday stout
    Carrie’ s Cherry Prom ale
    Sanguine Saison
    bloodbath sour

  4. Dionte June 27, 2014

    Thanks all the same, but no blood splattered pub grub for me. Nome sane?

    1. Harry June 28, 2014

      I’m sure it’s cleaner now than it was before the incident.


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