Jason Sandford
Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.
Press release here:
Innovation Fund North Carolina (IFNC), an organization created to help entrepreneurs through pre-seed funding and mentorship for high-growth, scalable technology startups, has announced its second cycle of funding dates and the addition of three information session locations. IFNC’s six information sessions are scheduled across North Carolina for prospective applicants:
Tuesday, Dec. 10 at Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College in Candler at 3 p.m.
Individuals or companies interested in applying are encouraged to attend one of the scheduled information sessions prior to submitting an online application. Please visit InnovationFundAmerica.org/NorthCarolina to register for one of the above information sessions.
“This initiative gives North Carolina’s technology entrepreneurs access to pre-seed funding and the other resources needed for success,” said Dr. Tony Mifsud, executive director of IFNC. “I encourage technology entrepreneurs to attend an information session to gain insight on the funding and application process.”
IFNC will begin accepting applications Jan. 1, 2014 for $25,000 grants and up to $100,000 non-recourse loans for startups in agricultural technology, advanced manufacturing technology, health care technology and IT/communications. Employing a rigorous application method, IFNC works to ensure entrepreneurs benefit from the process while advancing core community and economic development objectives. Awardees must agree to milestone driven plans, intensive mentoring programs and having a business headquartered in North Carolina.