Jason Sandford
Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

From Harvest Records on Facebook:
The brand new Floating Action LP — co-released by us & Removador Recordings and Solutions — is HERE AND READY FOR YOU LOCALS TO GRIP.
Come to West Ashe and grab it. $15. Download included. Limited to 500!
Out of town and want one? Go here: http://bit.ly/SXNjRT
(p.s. it’s not *officially* out until September…. be the first on your block to have it!)
The new vinyl-only release on Jim James’ record label is called Fake Blood and includes a digital download.
Floating Action frontman Seth Kauffman discusses Fake Blood with Shuffle magazine
Shuffle: Finally, how’d the Jim James label connection come about? What did you learn from your time on the Park the Van?
SK: The guys from Dr. Dog were trying to help me come up with label ideas and solutions. They’re buds with Jim, and suggested his tiny label Removador Recordings and Solutions. I sent himDesert Etiquette a lonnnnng time ago; never heard back for at least a year. Then he wrote back and loved it. He’s really stoked on it, believes they’re classic records, and (he’s) bent on doing whatever he can to make the world aware of it, which is extremely above and beyond. He’s dedicated, but also very busy. So with the help of Harvest Records, and me, we’ve kind of got this weird, grassroots team, trying get Floating Action to the masses in this pure honest way – it’s kind of the anti-model of ‘how you should do it’ in the music industry. It’s hilarious. It’s really cool, and really exciting. We’re like explorers, blindly charging forward with only the goal of getting something we believe in out there.
Floating Action website