
Free clothing and item swap today in West Asheville, 5 p.m.

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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From a Facebook event page for the Swap it to me! Free clothing and item swap from Anam Cara and Hip Thrift in West Asheville:

The Anam Cara Collective is hosting a clothing and item exchange. If you have things that have been taking up space but you didn’t have the heart to give away just yet, consider bringing them down as a contribution and see them passed on in the Anam Cara community. Come and find something new from what others have to offer. Clothes and household items can be brought on Thursday June 28 starting at 5:00. We have limited areas of privacy.

*Please organize your items before you come by putting like things together. Ie.: pants together, t-shirts together, skirts together, household items. . .etc. . . Items unclaimed at the end of the night will be donated to Anam Cara, Hip Thrift, or Goodwill, so it’s off your hands!

Suggestions for a fun evening: Wear clothes that you can fit things over as you try on the wares, we have limited areas of privacy. Bring a bag or two to put your new treasures in. Think about bringing a food or beverage to share and make this a social hour but not required.

The Anam Cara Collective (Theatre and Shoppe) is at 203 Haywood Rd. in West Asheville (Haywood as it heads to the River District).

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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