Jason Sandford
Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

Ready to race the runway? You can sign up on the Ashvegas Facebook page to win a free race registration ($25-$35 value). Just look for the Runway 5K logo.
This year’s race is Saturday, Oct. 6 at 9 a.m. and runs the entire length of the runway. If you’re looking for the flattest 5K in the mountains, with fun extras (airplanes on display, live music, food, activities, and a chance to win free airfare) sign up to win.
Registration entry link is here.
Press release on this year’s event.
Walkers, Wanderers, Meanderers
People of all ages, ability and motivation are invited to participate! However, the runway portion of the 5K will have a time limit. If participants are still on the runway near the cut-off time (approximately 40 minutes), very friendly airport folk will zip up beside you in official-looking airport vehicles, and drive you to a location where you can continue to go at your own pace. Don’t worry – there will be plenty of time for everyone to “run the runway” – and perhaps even “walk the runway.” We’re just covering all the bases!
No pets, no strollers, no baby joggers, no bikes, no in-line skates, no roller skates, and no wheeled vehicles will be allowed on the course, other than those used by disabled racers. For the safety of all, in accordance with RRCA Guidelines, the use of headphones is discouraged.
Because the course takes place within a secure area of the airport, public safety officers will be on hand to ensure the area remains secure, and to direct traffic. Please follow the direction of all safety officers.
The course begins and ends in the same location – near Hangar #7 on the ramp adjacent to the runway. Runners will start the race on the runway (which is pretty cool, if we do say so ourselves), followed by a stretch along Wright Brothers Way, in front of the terminal and then loop back to the airfield to finish. There will be plenty of space for spectators and family members to cheer – and we hope to have a crowd!