Jason Sandford
Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

Image via Eater.com
Loyal reader NFB points us to the story behind reports of two Asheville and one Black Mountain Wendy’s posting–and then removing–messages in support of Chick-fil-A and its stance against gay marriage.
Yesterday, the day before hundreds jammed Asheville Chick-fil-A locations in support of the chain’s stance while a gay-rights group staged a sit-in at the Tunnel Road location, Wendy’s locations in North and South Carolina posted the message “WE STAND WITH CHICK-FIL-A” in their outdoor signs.
Today they took them down.
Here’s the scoop from eater.com:
In light of the controversy over Chick-fil-A’s admitted anti marriage equality stance, today is the Mike Huckabee-endorsed Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day that has resulted in enormous lines across the country, and an independent Wendy’s franchise owner in the Carolinas decided to show his support. According to photos on a couple of threads on Reddit and local news reports, starting last night, several locations of the Wendy’s franchise Tar Heel Capital (with somewhere between 75-86 locations throughout North and South Carolina) put up signs reading “WE STAND WITH CHICK FIL A.”
When asked for comment, Wendy’s consumer relations department told Towerload:
“This is one independent franchisee’s personal opinion. We are proud to serve customers of varied races, backgrounds, cultures and sexual orientation, with different beliefs and values. Bearing that in mind, this franchisee has decided to remove the messages from his restaurant signs.”
The official Wendy’s Twitter account has been responding to all inquiries about the signs with: “An independent franchisee posted the sign, which he’s taken down. We proudly serve ALL customers!”
Red the full article here.
Only morons eat fast food
And nothing kills them off and effectively hobbles their offspring like fast food.