Don TV

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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Local cartoonist David Cohen, commenting on the Buncombe County commissioners’ recent decision to air public comment on the county channel with the county’s coverage of commissioners’ meetings. More ‘toon greatness from David at his Web site.

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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  1. Sadie Sartre December 20, 2010

    Yelton thinks he is the vanguard of the great unschooled. Get real! He is the one who needs to be educated to the fact that one can neither bulldoze nor bull– er, crap– your way into the people's good graces. He is merely an unamusing little fish whose television omnipresence makes him all the more tiring.


  2. dempol January 30, 2009

    Mr. Yelton and Mr. Nesbitt always give up on me, Ash. I am so disappointed. I guess even they finally realize I simply make too much sense for them to continue any dialogue. Oh, that’s right, the only "dialogue" they will listen to is that dumb ass brand of their own. Keep on talking to yourselves, boys. I guarantee virtually no one else is listening.

  3. dempol January 27, 2009

    There is no hate in any of my posts, Mr. Yelton, just some good old-fashioned reality. You and your Stomper buddies live in a world where anything that does not originate in your minds is wrong. You show-up at Buncombe County Commission meetings, adnauseam, to play your neo-conservative and time-consuming political game. Your self-importance is rivaled only by your ignorance. I have been watching your "one trick pony" act for years now and it is just getting more and more tired. You are simply too insignificant to be hated. Who could waste their time loathing and despising you? Like I said, no hatred here, just a little dose of reality.

  4. dempol January 26, 2009

    Hey Tom. Don Yelton IS a cartoon character. No one had to draw him. And the only thing he’s made it big with is his gut. Keep on rolling in the Holy Spirit every day and acting as if Christianity is the only religion on Earth. Closed mindedness will get you nowhere in a world that needs to come together. Mark MY words!

  5. Don Yelton January 26, 2009

    Who is spewing hate here??? I think that you answered that question dempol but are too blind to see the answer.

  6. dempol January 26, 2009

    You are wondering about my use of the word “tool”, Chad? Check Webster’s New World Dictionary, if you can even venture beyond your decidedly Old World view of how America and WNC should be. The fourth definition of “tool” is “a person used by another to accomplish his purposes, esp. when these are illegal or unethical; dupe; stooge.” You and your NeoCon cronies may not be crossing any lines regarding the law, but you are certainly tools, dupes and stooges when it comes to unethically furthering a Right Wing agenda that got its butt kicked on November 4, 2008.

    Your pathetic CarolinaStompers website hooks readers up to some of the great bastions of journalism, like FOX News. There are links that are full of GOP scare tactics and “Public Service” Announcements referring to the Democratic Party as a cult. There was even a story questioning President Barack Obama’s American citizenship, although it is common knowledge he was born in Hawaii two-years after that island-chain became our 50th state. Now that is a perfect example of a total lack of ethics. And please use the aforementioned dictionary to check your spelling, Chad. Did you even get through the 7th grade?

    I certainly look forward to the long talked about (by you) StomperTV. I am confident it will suck as badly as all your other crap.

    And as for Don Yelton’s self-proclaimed “loyal supporter”, Harry Maroni, you need to tackle those spelling and word usage issues too. Also, Don Yelton is a politician who routinely loses every race in which he runs. You say he is a very generous and honorable “firend”? What, are you one of those on-the-take as part of his little West Buncombe County cabal?

    None of you will ever be able to accept the fact that Asheville and Buncombe County are constantly growing and evolving- just like America- and those who continue to fight for a return to the good old days will simply be left behind. I hope you all enjoy that constant bitterness and hate you spew, from sunrise to sundown.

  7. Tom January 26, 2009

    Ha! You all are just jealous about Don getting a cartoon and not you (talking to you dempol and anyone else that’s against Don).

    You all are just mad that Don has made it big now. That’s right, you are not big until they draw you in a cartoon!

    Maybe if you will stand up for what is right they will draw a cartoon about you too!

    Keep it up Don! If they say you are grandstanding, then keep grandstanding! They call us Christians "Holly Rollers" Well that’s correct! I roll in the Holy Spirit every day! So if they say doing the right thing is grandstanding, then I say keep on grandstanding!

    You all will thank Don Yelton one day! Mark my words!!!!!

  8. Harry Maroni January 25, 2009

    Don Yelton is a not a grandstander, nor is he a politican. Only politicans grandstand and look like they had just did a tooth paste commerical. Don deals only in facts not fiction. I have worked beside him for almost five years and he does not deviate from the truth and he is always poking fun at our unduly elected officals. It is a pleasure and an honor to work with him and to call him a very generous and honorable firend.

    To sum up Don Yelton, he is an extremely intellect individual with a wide array knowledge on several topics ranging from the enviourment to corruptions at the lowest or corruption and waste at any level.

    Do not underestimate the appeal that Don has with a vast number who enjoy, work and listen to what he has to say on any topic. CTS and clean water are just a sample of the causes he holds clostest to his heart. He may not have been elected but 43,000 plus like what has to say.

    Harry Maroni,

    A loyal supporter

  9. don yelton January 24, 2009

    How about a cartoon that shows how they say that you cannot address an individual commissioner. I think that is restriction of freedom of speech.

    As for tools, Yes some of you need to remember who talked about buying buildings and not renting. You also need to ask past Mayor Sitnick about paper recycling for the city and savings on dumping wet dirt in a private landfill and not in the Buncombe County Landfill.

    We should also remember who made the suggestion about buying the Biltmore Mall before all of the construction at the old Sears Buidling. I only do what I do because the major media and the liberal fringe media will not address the real issue. Everyone is playing for their own interest.

    Thanks for the cartoon and proving my points. Glad to see that you think freedom of speech is grandstanding.

    Don Yelton

  10. Chad Nesbitt January 23, 2009

    Tools? Tools for what dempol?

  11. dempol January 23, 2009

    Don Yelton and Chad Nesbitt are such tools!

  12. Chad Nesbitt January 23, 2009

    Hilarious! Isn’t it funny? Yelton will tell the commissioners how to fix a problem and 2 years later they take Yeltons advice and call it their own.

    Keep "Grandstanding" Yelton!
    The commissioners can’t come up with ideas on their own.

    Great cartoon.


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