UPDATED WLOS and West Asheville Watch on Carrier Park ‘No Trespassing’ controversy

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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Karen Cragnolin of RiverkLink has made a clarification. Scroll down to the text in bold.

WLOS states that property owner Robert C. Burris was offered $10K for his two parcels of land that abut the French Broad River Park, but rejected the offer as not enough.

WLOS also quotes Burris as saying the river should be for everyone to enjoy.

Both RiverLink Executive Director Karen Cragnolin and the West Asheville Watch blog say that Burris is now asking for $250K for his two riverside properties, or about $1.8 million per acre for .14 acres of land (two parcels that together cover an area about the size of a suburban yard).

I don’t yet have confirmation that this is the price Burris is asking. Can anyone confirm?

From WLOS on youTube:

A path connecting two Asheville city parks has been closed by the property owner, citing concerns about injuries and liability. The path is through parcels of land owned by Robert Burris who’s been negotiating with the city to sell his land so the city can connect French Broad River Park and Carrier Park. Park visitors say a chain and no trespassing signs went up a few days ago across the dirt path that has been used by park patrons for years. Burris says he nearly hit a bicyclist recently and was advised he should take measures to limit his liability on the property which is for sale. People using the park say the chain is a major inconvenience and they hope the city can work out some sort of agreement so the parks can be united and the river-front connected by a a walking path.

WLOS YouTube video:

West Asheville Watch summarizes the situation: French Broad River Greenway, our own Hatfields and McCoys?

The real estate agent representing the property pointed out there could also be some possible perks of letting the city use the walkway, such as special permitting and tax initiatives.

This isn’t anything new to the city, this is a situation that goes back over 20 years, when the property was first owned by Richard Burris’ father, who worked as a City Planner. He was apparently let go from his position for questionable Tax Lot* activity, according to Karen Cragnolin of Riverlink. The property was then grabbed up by a Quit Claim* when the bridge was rebuilt and has remained in the Burris family since. The Cauble family, who now owns the other lot in question, seems to have been friends with the Burris’s, have been quiet on the matter.

So, now what?

Riverlink has been involved offering renaming of the bridge, lots of legal advice and open conversation, but to no avail. Since everything seems to be evolving something has to give. Unless someone has a quarter-mil around for a food truck lot with river access.

A correction to the West Asheville Watch post from Karen Cragnolin, executive director of RiverLink:

We did not offer to rename the bridge we suggested that the area under the bridge at the cofluence coudl be renamed Burris Point and we could have an information kiosk about Burris Sr., and passenger boat rides up the river

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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  1. H. Walsh September 3, 2012

    I can’t blame the guy at all for his liability concerns and fear of a lawsuit if someone is injured on his property.

  2. Josephine Renquist September 3, 2012

    Has it ever occurred that sometimes people just do not to sell property. Considering it is illegal to trapse across properties, trespassing, why should this piece be any different. Using the premise indicated and discussed here later today I should park at the Admiral and start walking south east through people’s properties until (an extreme example). If the city, Riverlink, the county, or anyone else wants to connect Carrier Park Greenway with the the park then they need to pay for it. Thinking of the other parks in Buncombe COunty it is made very clear unauthorized access (forging your own trail) other than paved enry points is forbidden why is the property owner not allowed to exercie his own rights. I guess on this holiday I will head out and start walking or driving my car across other peoples properties then diagnose it as “its ok to wear a path across my neightbors yard because I need to get from point A to B.”

  3. Santa September 2, 2012

    We should name the spot “Selfish jerk point” until further notice.

  4. karen cragnolin September 1, 2012

    Hi We did not offer to rename the bridge we suggested that the area under the bridge at the cofluence coudl be renamed Burris Point and we could have an information kiosk about Burris Sr., and passenger boat rides up the river – its all in the citizen times archives Karen

    1. Jennifer Saylor September 1, 2012

      Karen, can you confirm that Burris is requesting $250 for the land?

  5. dan September 1, 2012

    This is a prime candidate for condemnation. DOT does it all the time.

  6. Emily September 1, 2012

    I cant’ do math..

  7. Adam September 1, 2012

    These sings have NOT been up for a mere few days – a friend and I walked this trail 2 weeks ago and the signs were already there. People had already written some nasty messages to Mr. Burris, as well, so I’m guessing this has been going for at least 3 weeks. What a shame! FBRP is by far my favorite place in the city and I can’t believe Mr. Burris has chosen to go to such extreme measures – this is a really devastating blow to our community, and I hope it is resolved quickly.

  8. IceNine September 1, 2012

    Actually, according to the buncombe county GIS, the two parcels owned by Burris total 0.14 acres, not 0.05. At $250,000 for both, that would amount to $1.78 million per acre, not $5 million.

    1. Jennifer Saylor September 1, 2012

      IceNine, I’ve been told two parcels, .04 and .011 acres. What figures did you get from GIS?

      1. IceNine September 1, 2012

        0.10 and 0.04, just looked it up.

      2. IceNine September 1, 2012

        if you look at the satellite map on west avl watch, parcel 9746 is 0.10 acres, and parcel 2950 (by the bridge) is 0.04.

    2. Jennifer Saylor September 1, 2012

      1.79 mil per acre, if you round up. Thanks for the corrections!


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