Jason Sandford
Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.
Here’s more of what’s going around…
-There’s a plan in the works to “activate” Carolina Lane, Chicken Alley, and Broadway Street, through the arts. The effort is being led by the Asheville Design Center and the Center for Craft, which is considering opening a makerspace with store frontage on Carolina Lane. The groups are also looking at potential new permanent art installations on Carolina Lane. On May 5 there will be a one-day event called the Carolina Lane Creative Intervention. It will “experiment with unique public art installations, culturally diverse creative activities, potential streetscape changes, and infrastructure improvements.”
–Devil’s Foot Beverage Co. in Asheville will release its “Future’s So Bright sparkling lemonade during an event on Saturday at the Salvage Station on Riverside Drive. It’s the first of several new craft beverage styles the fledgling company is planning to unveil this year. “Brewed with fresh organic lemons, a light blend of organic cane sugar and local honey for sweetness, and finished with just the right amount of bubbles, Future’s So Bright is a full-flavor craft beverage as well as a super classy, next-level citrus cocktail mixer. The Devil’s Foot crew stands by their aim to use a fraction of the sugar-content used in commercial sodas, keeping with their commitment to provide a more healthy alternative to the Asheville community,” a press release reads.
-The Blue Ridge General Defense Committee will hold a Really Really Free Market from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Saturday at the Rainbow Community Center on State Street in West Asheville. “This is a community-spirited market featuring various items – food, clothing, small appliances, building materials, skill shares/workshops, or whatever folks bring! — all available completely free of any charge. No barter necessary – just bring what you can and take what you need,” the press release states.
-The iconic Flat Iron Building in downtown Asheville is up for sale for $16 million.
-Does anyone know if the ASPCA’s new behavioral rehabilitation center in Weaverville has opened?
–Groundwater radiation at Duke Energy Coal Plants Raises Concerns, BPR News reports.
-North Carolina author John Ehle died recently. He wrote The Winter People and several other books and is considered one of the state’s greatest writers. He was born in Asheville.
The BEST way to active Carolina Lane, is NOT with art, it is by having people living there and not just a AirBNB enclave, Friday night guests only. Ban Air BNB downtown.