Jason Sandford
Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

Here’s more of what’s going on around town, including the Asheville Van Life rally
-The annual Asheville Van Life Rally will be held this weekend at JuneBug Retro Resort near Weaverville. The event includes a full weekend of camping for over 200 vehicles, live music, local craft brews, campfires, a kids village, vendors, and a raffle benefiting the Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity. Vehicle owners will spend the weekend sharing their road-trip-ready build-outs and enjoying the community of fellow vanlifers. On Saturday,the event opens up to the public from noon to 10 p.m., and spectators can purchase day passes for $15 (plus taxes and fees) to come enjoy the event during those hours. For more information about ticketing and registration, visit www.ashevillevanlife.com.
-One World Brewing West will celebrate the grand opening of that new location at 520 Haywood Road with a 9 p.m. followed by UniHorn (members of Empire Strikes Brass) playing for free at 9:30 pm. Saturday will be a day full of family-friendly activities starting at 3 p.m. and Billy Litz will be playing at 4. Les Amis (members of Toubab Crew) headlines at 7 pm with DJ dance music to follow. On Sunday, look for an Acro Yoga class at noon followed by Loungy DJ music and a farm-to-glass Bloody Mary bar starting at 2 p.m.
–AdClub WNC just held its annual kick-off party on Thursday, and while I missed posting about the event in advance, I wanted to be sure to mention this group. Whether you are a marketing professional, creative director, art director, agency producer, video/film producer, graphic designer, casting director, costume/makeup artist or business owner, if you love advertising, this group is for you. Check ’em out.
-Longtime Asheville city planner Alan Glines is leaving his job after 20 years to go to work as a planner in Conover, N.C. Glines has a wealth of institutional knowledge about the growth and development of Asheville over the past two decades and will be missed.
-Marketing maven Christopher Tod is leaving Diamond Brand to go to work for the Buncombe County parks and recreation department.
-Speaking of Diamond Brand, the company is opening a Frugal Backpacker store in Greenville, S.C.
-Sunny Point restaurant in West Asheville celebrates its 15th anniversary this year. Yay for Sunny Point!
-Remember the WNC Bigfoot Festival in Marion a couple of weeks ago drew 25,000, according to local news reports. That’s the biggest event ever for little ol’ Marion. Organizers are already planning next year’s event.
-Noble Cider is now canning cider.
-White Duck Taco restaurant is now open in its new location at 388 Riverside Dr. The restaurant has closed its original restaurant location nearby on Roberts street and is converting that restaurant to a fried chicken restaurant, a new concept called Henrietta’s.