Jason Sandford
Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.
Celebrity chef Anne Burrell has been spotted around Asheville the past couple of days. Last night, Burrell was dining at Seven Sows restaurant on Biltmore Avenue. From my friend and loyal reader Ben:
Pre-opera drinks tonight at seven sows….celebrity chef Anne Burrell chillin at 7sows. Recognized by amazing spiked blond quaff and Very nice. Mike Moore is doing this right!
And from Twitter, Curate chef Katie Button had this to say the night before:
RT @chefkatiebutton @chefanneburrell I am soooo delightfully full! it was a privilege to have you dine in our restaurant! @CurateTapasBar
Here’s more about Burrell, in case you don’t know her, from Food Network:
With her trademark spiky blond hair and pumped-up personality, Anne Burrell has worked at some of the top restaurants in New York, studied the culinary landscape and traditions of Italy, and battled alongside Mario Batali as his sous chef on Food Network’s Iron Chef America. Anne makes restaurant dishes accessible and reveals concise, easy-to-master techniques for the at-home cook on her Food Network series, Secrets of a Restaurant Chef. On her show Chef Wanted, Anne helps top restaurateurs find candidates with the right experience and creativity to become executive chefs. On Worst Cooks in America, Anne joins Bobby Flay in mentoring teams of hopeless home cooks from around the country, putting them through culinary boot camp.
In 2011, Anne published her first cookbook, Cook Like a Rock Star, which gives home cooks the confidence and support to be rock stars in their own kitchens. Her cookbook earned a place on the New York Times Bestseller List. In fall 2011 Anne starred in her own right on Next Iron Chef: Super Chefs.
When either of you have multiple shows on Food Network, we’ll call you for your opinions.
The term “celebrity” being used very loosely.
and they want their hair back. Maybe she can get her hair did while she’s here.