Asheville brewery owner, fed up with graffiti tags, offers $500 reward

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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green_man_brewing_asheville_2015Dennis Thies, owner of Green Man Brewing, says he’s tired of vandals hitting his South Slope buildings with grafitti. He says he’s offering a $500 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or people responsible.

Thies found the latest graffiti on the new brick structure he’s building as part of a $4 million expansion of Green Man Brewing on Buxton Avenue. The construction includes a three-story building for packaging, a retail shop and a rooftop beer garden.

Thies said the graffiti tag this week was the fifth instance of graffiti on that and other buildings he owns in the area. “It’s the same asshole. He does it on our banks building and others,” Thies says in a message to Ashvegas, adding that “the city does nothing.”

Last year, the city of Asheville announced an aggressive push to arrest and prosecute graffiti vandals.

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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  1. weavervilleman May 17, 2016

    man that manboychild “guy” sounds like a TOTAL JERK! That new building sure beats DILAPIDATED buildings or buildings that are deemed UNSAFE!

  2. Rocinante November 19, 2015

    Aside from the obvious issue of vandalism and disrespect of others’ property, there’s the question of pointlessness. In my regular travel to points all over the globe, I’m always amazed at the creative and elevated quality of the graffiti. Around AVL every tag is a pointless squiggle of narcissism. In other cities around the world the grafitti regularly has artistic qualities and often makes a political or social statement.

    If we have to endure grafitti, can the fucktards who do it at least develop a skill and a message?

  3. Nowell November 19, 2015

    I completely sympathize with Dennis. Graffiti sucks and it really sucks that businesses are penalized without support by the city to catch the offenders. It would be nice to see a coalition formed from business owners in the neighborhood to pool resources into catching these fools. Private citizens (myself included) who don’t want their neighborhoods looking like NYC of the 1980’s would gladly contribute. Keeping it at the neighborhood level would channel resources best. Pooled resources could be channeled into anti-graffiti measures such as private investigators or surveillance equipment for that street or block. Man Boy Children can move to the next trendy town. It’s not art. It’s ugly, it sucks, and people shouldn’t vandalize other people’s stuff. End of story.

  4. Raye November 18, 2015

    The Business gets fined for having graffiti – that’s what makes it especially irritating. The city’s main enforcement is against the businesses. They pay someone to harass businesses about the graffiti on their buildings & to fine them if they don’t clean it up within 7 days. I never really minded the tagging until I started getting “reminders” from the city that I had to pay someone to paint over it or be fined.

  5. ManBoyChild November 16, 2015

    Thought you were a brewery not a whinery? Really there are people being shot and murdered here I don’t really think writing on the side of a building is all that important.

    Maybe just embrace it and turn it into a mural or open public canvas. Makes you appear edgy and not such an asshat.

    1. NFB November 16, 2015

      Any asshat is the one who took it upon his or herself to spray paint one someone else’s property, not the person who does not want squiggly lines or even a mural on their building.

      Since vandalism is not “all that important” to you, why not post your name and address and we’ll have somebody find some of your property and vandalize it.

      I’m not holding my breath.

      1. ManBoyChild November 16, 2015

        My car and home have both been tagged with-in the last decade. That didn’t change my view on the matter. I guess I don’t love my stuff enough to care.

    2. Denny Green Man November 17, 2015

      Hey, This is Green Man guy. I guess I’m an asshat for investing millions into the south slope and working hard and creating jobs for asheville.
      You know what else, never asked the city or anyone for a penny, unlike most of the other guys.

      Thanks for making me feel like shi*. how about screw you hipster fuck!

  6. OneWhoKnows November 16, 2015

    the City does nothing because City has NO leadership. no
    ability to govern.

    1. Doc November 16, 2015

      I think your statement is demonstrably false.

  7. Chris November 13, 2015

    “Last year, the city of Asheville announced an aggressive push to arrest and prosecute graffiti vandals.”

    I think you meant to say: slap the offenders on the wrist, and punish the victims by threatening them with fines.

    1. ManBoyChild November 16, 2015

      Yeah you know what, every time somebody does this we should throw them in jail. That’ll fix it! Well no it won’t. I don’t know the intentions of the person who tagged the whiny business owners building but I can say it’s a very bland and boring looking wall. I would rather the graffiti stay honestly. We don’t live in disneyland or a gated community and that’s not really where I want to live but keep it up Asheville you’ll be there soon.

      1. Jason November 17, 2015

        MayBoyChild – It takes a lot of gaul to say that because you deem a wall resting on somebody else’s property “very bland and boring looking” that somebody should be allowed to spray paint all over it. What kind of inane logic is that?

        By your standards anybody should be able to do anything to another person’s property so long as they do so under the guise of making it more aesthetically appealing, at least in their own mind. Absolutely ridiculous.


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