Computer models show possible snowstorm in store for Asheville on Mardis Gras

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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Let the good (snow) times roll.

Computer models have weather forecasters looking ahead to Feb. 17, Mardis Gras 2015, as the possible date of the first significant snowfall of Winter 2015 in North Carolina’s mountains.

It’s still too early to tell exactly how it will play out. says computer models show the mountains could receive 5 to 7 inches of snow next Tuesday. Meteorologist Brad Panovich of WCNC, whose weather forecasting I follow, reports that “Forecast confidence is low on timing, and type of precipitation but pattern remains favorable for a winter storm next Tuesday-Wednesday.” He posted the above graphic.

Despite early predictions of a rough 2015 winter, Asheville’s has seen only traces of snow punctuated by a few periods of bitter cold. Otherwise, winter’s been pretty tame.

Thursday saw some blowing snow flurries during most of the day, with the coldest temperatures of Winter 2015 rushing in over the next few days.

Panovich also reminded his Facebook followers that at this time last year, we were seeing a significant snowfall of 6 inches or more in Asheville and across the mountains.

Jason Sandford

Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

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  1. A February 19, 2015

    Spelling correction on this and last headline: Not spelled “mardis” Mardi is “Tuesday” in French. Gras is spelled perfectly 🙂

    1. Jason Sandford February 19, 2015

      Thank you!


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