From Ashley Cooper, executive director of 2010’s outstanding youth event, TEDxNextGenerationAsheville: A new event that seeks to connect youth leaders with community mentors and resources:
Ten finalists under the age of 21 have been selected to present their ideas at the Ideas That Move Youth Challenge on March 9th, 9am – 1pm at Ferguson Auditorium at AB Tech.
Their passions range from insuring that everyone in Buncombe County has healthy food to eat and community gardens to source from, to lowering emissions from local school buses and converting them to biodiesel. They recognize that students can learn better if there is greater cultural understanding and acceptance in the world. These youth see problems and solutions and are ready to stand up for what they believe is possible.
Check out all of the youth finalists and their ideas for a healthier and more sustainable region.
Help These Ideas Move to Action
Show your support. Be in the audience on March 9th as they pitch their ideas to the local community. It will be structured like Shark Tank, meaning members of the community can help the ideas become successful by donating services directly to the youth to help them see their idea from vision to actuality.
This can be anything from design and advertising help, website development, acquiring gardening, composting, rain water barrels and greenhouse supplies, accessing a public swimming pool, and helping find access to various other local resources.
Ideas That Move is Saturday March 9, 9 a.m. -1 p.m. at Ferguson Auditorium at A-B Tech.