The death of Dr. Leslie Cargile, Allen’s wife, was ruled a suicide by painkillers and sedatives in October. Leslie Cargile died with eight drugs in her system and Allen with 21, according to WLOS.
It is not known why the couple committed suicide. In October, a Texas coroner ruled that Allen Cargile likely died several days before his wife.
From WLOS:
A coroner in Southeast Texas has ruled the deaths of a North Carolina doctor and her husband a double suicide.
The Galveston County Daily News reported that toxicology results found 21 drugs in the body of William Cargile, 58. including muscle relaxers and opiates.
The county medical examiner’s office earlier said Dr. Leslie Cargile, 53,who practiced in Black Mountain, had eight drugs in her system.
Authorities believe the couple left a hotel in Mobile, Ala., on August. 18 and arrived in Galveston the next day. Their bodies were discovered August 24 in a Galveston hotel room.
Should this item lead an enterprising journalist to investigate further? And when the Citize-Times says that efforts to reach the sons of the Cargiles were unsuccessful, does this mean they made telephone calls or sent emails from their desks, or did they visit them in person? How do reporters in Tampa manage to get so much information on the woman involved with General Allen, while no Asheville reporters can find out anything about the Cargiles and their mysterious death?
Has any news outlet reported this?
No, not that I’m aware of.
This letter is a very, very mild admonition. Anybody who practices medicine for years makes a mistake, or, in this case, has an employee who makes a mistake, and the description of the case makes it sound like the practice actually behaved as they should have. I wouldn’t make much out of this. Nobody is perfect, even a doctor.