Here’s the full press release:
The Magnetic Theatre proudly announces its next, all-original sketch comedy adventure: Food and How To Eat It! Six performances only, at the BeBe Theatre, Thursday-Saturday, January 8-10 and 15-17, at 7:30 PM.
Yes, the loons who brought you the smash hit Sex and How To Have It are at it again! This time, they take on another, ahem, sacred cow with Food and How To Eat It! From farmers’ markets to the trendiest restaurants, from your kitchen to test kitchens, from spaghetti and meatballs to tuna cones, and from pie-eating contests to monster food truck rallies—not to mention a little drinking and a soupçon of sex—this show has it all, including music, dancing, and lots and lots of laughs!
Starring the hilarious Katie Langwell, the delightful Valerie Meiss, Magnetic veteran and Bernstein regular Glenn Reed, and our latest loon, the inimitable Scott Fisher. Written by the company, Lisa Yoffee, and Magnetic Theatre Artistic Director Steven Samuels, who produces, directs, and says, “It’s amazing that The Magnetic has developed two such strong sketch comedy writing and acting teams as those who bring us the Bernsteins and the How To evenings. Together, they make the perfect December/January one-two punch to drive off the winter blues!”
This special engagement of Food and How To Eat It, the last production before The Magnetic moves into its new home in the River Arts District, is strictly limited. Don’t miss it!
The Magnetic Theatre presents the world premiere of Food and How To Eat It. Written by Lisa Yoffee, performers Katie Langwell, Scott Fisher, Glenn Reed, and Valerie Meiss, and producer/director Steven Samuels, with sound design by Mary Zogzas and lighting by Jason Williams. At the BeBe Theatre (20 Commerce Street in downtown Asheville), January 8-10 and 15-17 at 7:30 PM. All seats $18 advance/$21 at the door (+ tax and credit card charges.) For tickets, please visit
I’d love to go!
Went Friday & laughed my Asheville off! Hit Addissae, new Ethiopian place, beforehand & the Monk afterwards to get the full on Asheville food experience. I love living here!!
Sounds like fun!
would love to!
Food, you eat it!!
Sounds awesome!
Sounds like fun!
Enjoyed seeing “Sex and How to Have it”, would love to win tickets to see this.
Given the quality of other shows this company has done…I wouldn’t get too excited.
More experimental theatre with blah moments.
Wow, cool!
Fingers crossed!
I wanna see!
sign me up!
Cant wait to see it!
I think this is how I need to spend my Friday night. I could use a good laugh!
What fun!