I’m leaking some top secret intel here…Well Bred Bakery is working on opening a second location in Asheville. All I can tell you is that we are looking at putting it in Biltmore Village. More information soon. You guys will be first to know!
I think the bakery is about 10 years old now and has been a big hit in Weaverville. Keep your eyes peeled.
Thanks to loyal reader George for the heads-up.
How original. Biltmore village, where small restaurants go to die. (except corner kitchen)
And except for Fig, Rezaz, Village Wayside Grill, The Cantina (which has been in continuous operation as a Mexican restaurant for many years albeit under three different brand names and owners), Ichiban, Osaka…
Rezaz is awesome!
Great news, not a real fan of City Bakery and Well Bred Bakery would be a nice change.
We could use a location in Black Mountain …