Weaverville certified as wildlife habitat community


This is cross-posted from the awesome MyWeaverville.com blog. Congratulations to Weaver-vegas!

It’s official. In September Weaverville became the 33rd community in the country and only the second in North Carolina (the first is Montreat) to become a Certified Community Wildlife Habitat.  To be awarded the community certification, the Weaverville Wildlife Habitat team worked with 65 homes, 10 businesses/common areas, and 1 school to have each certified as wildlife habitats.  Each certification garnerned points for Weaverville as a community, and in the end the town earned 422 points towards certification, exceeding the necessary requirements by172 points.

The following letter was sent to the Habitat Team from Roxanne Nersesian Paul, Senior Coordinator of the National Wildlife Federation Habitat Programs, who gave me permission to publish it. Sounds like we made quite an impression.  Congratulations to the team members and community members who worked to help Weaverville achieve this.

Check out MyWeaverville.com to read the letter.