6 things to know about the Bernie Sanders rally in Asheville Friday


Bernie Sanders

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is planning to hold a Friday rally at the Salvage Station music venue on Riverside Drive in Asheville. Here are more details about the event:

-Doors at the Salvage Station open at 10:30 a.m. The rally is scheduled to start at noon. Sanders is scheduled to appear at his next event, a rally at Central Piedmont Community College, at 5:30 p.m.

-The Salvage Station can accommodate 3,500 people for an outdoor event such as the planned rally.

-Parking is going to be an issue, so the Salvage Station folks are encouraging people to use alternate forms of transportation to get there: public transportation, Uber, Lyft, walking, bicycling or carpooling. Free shuttle service will be available every 15 minutes from the UNC Asheville campus lot off of Edgewood Road. That’s the North Asheville Tailgate Market lot.

-The Salvage Station plans to charge $10 a car for on-site parking at their 468 Riverside Drive location. Go here to buy a $10 parking pass.

-Anyone attending the event should expect to encounter protesters.

-In the 2016 Democratic primary for president, Bernie Sanders crushed Hillary Clinton in Buncombe County by garnering 62.1 percent of the vote, compared to Clinton’s 35.4 percent of the vote. Sanders tallied 30,913 votes to Clinton’s 17,604 votes.

-Bonus thing to know: The Salvage Station tells me that they will not be serving alcohol during Bernie Sanders’ rally/speech, scheduled to start at noon, but once the rally is over, all bars will be open and ready to sling.


Big Al May 21, 2019 - 5:51 am

So did protestors show up, and who were they protesting on behalf of? Hillary? Trump?

Betty Cloer Wallace May 17, 2019 - 3:25 pm

So how did it go?

Peter May 16, 2019 - 7:39 pm

Everything but free parking…. Capitalization….gotta love it.

Peter May 16, 2019 - 7:30 pm

7th Thing need to know…..how much free stuff will he be promising to the “coexist” crowd? Free tuition? Free health care? Free everything? Free Cuban/Venezuelan lifestyle? Can’t wait

rohbear May 16, 2019 - 9:05 pm

Here’s a suggestion: go and find out for yourself. 🙂

Peter May 17, 2019 - 9:07 am

If my mom lets me go. I’ll have to wash my Prius first, stop for a grande soy latte, update my social media pages…..then I can go. Do I need to shower?

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