Larchmont project up for discussion on Wednesday


The Larchmont project is up for discussion at the Asheville Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on Wednesday. (Click on the “Larchmont project” tag at the bottom of this post to read all the background.) Here’s the info/email that’s going around:

Don’t forget the P & Z meeting scheduled for tomorrow, March 3rd, at 5:00 PM.  Remember that P & Z now meets in the first floor conference room at City Hall.  Enter City Hall as usual, turn left, walk down to the USS Asheville exhibit, and turn left again.  That’s the conference room.

Sometime back, long before the MHO proposal, somebody asked me if I knew what was going up on the old NRC site.  Somewhat tongue-in-cheek I replied that the County was going to sell the property to Stewart Coleman for $1 and he was going to build a 50 storey high rise on the site.  That may not have been too far off the mark, at least the location part.  In 2008, WLOS reported that the County had offered Coleman a land swap of “several acres off Merrimon Av., near the old Naval Reserve Center.”  The quote is from a blog posting made by now-Councilman Gordon Smith.  Coleman turned it down.