Asheville’s new Fox & Beggar Theater successful in fundraiser for unique circus performance


A new Asheville theater group, Fox & Beggar Theater, has reached its Kickstarter goal of $7,500 to fund a unique performance in the downtown Masonic Temple. Here’s the info:

“Tarocco will be performed in Asheville’s legendary Masonic Temple, and will be split up into three two-hour shows: Part 1 (Cards 1-7) debuts in January of 2014, Part 2 (Cards 8-14) in March, and Part 3 (Cards 15-21) in May. Each part will be stylistically and thematically unique, while still weaving its chapter of the Fool’s journey into the other two, creating a sort of grand, surreal fairy tale to delight audience’s senses and test their credulity. Tarocco is the premiere project of the brand new Fox & Beggar Theater, a group founded on collaboration and focused on folk tales, dreams, and other elements of the fantastic.”

Congratulations to Nat Allister. Can’t wait to see the production.