The Magnetic Theatre is proud to announce that we’ve been invited back to The New York International Fringe Festival this August, to present last summer’s hit, Landscape with Missing Person, by John Crutchfield.
“Yet another provocative mental word game that exhilarates and mystifies, raises more questions than it answers and is totally satisfying in the process,” said the Asheville Citizen-Times of Landscape, in which a teenage railroad punk helps a strange middle-aged man search for his mysteriously vanished wife—from a small southern town, across the Midwest, to San Francisco and Portland, Oregon.If you’ll be in New York August 10-16, please consider joining us.
If you have friends in the greater metropolitan area you think might enjoy our work, please send them our way. And if you could possibly help us make this trip, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution of any size, because even the smallest gift can make a huge difference. We’ve already received more than $1000. Won’t you help us reach our $5000 goal? (If each of you sent $5…)
Checks made out to The Magnetic Theatre, Inc., mailed c/o Gray, 49 Brickyard Road, Asheville, NC 28806, go to the theatre entirely. If you prefer to contribute online, please visit this page and click on the Donate button. A small portion of your gift will be deducted for service charges.
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