Zia Taqueria of Charleston eyes former Delores & Jose’s in West Asheville


The Charleston/Colorado restarateurs  have their eye on the Haywood Road building, now for sale, that was Delores & Jose’s Mexican restaurant. On West Asheville Watch’s Facebook page, Zia Taqueria even made a polite inquiry as to what they neighborhood thought of them moving in:

Responses are here.

It appears that Zia is locally owned, but headquartered in South Carolina.

One resident supports Zia’s arrival:

We’ll keep you posted about what finally ends up at 521 Haywood Road.

Zia Taqueria website here.

Zia Taqueria on Facebook.

1 Comment

Zia Taqueria moving in to former Delores and Jose's location in West Asheville? December 6, 2012 - 9:46 am

[…] Back in October, we posted about the Charleston chain checking Asheville out as a spot for a new restaurant: The Charleston/Colorado restarateurs  have their eye on the Haywood Road building, now for sale, that was Delores & Jose’s Mexican restaurant. On West Asheville Watch’s Facebook page, Zia Taqueria even made a polite inquiry as to what they neighborhood thought of them moving in: […]

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