WLOS Wednesday dailies 0921


Punnyman and the picture boy

Jon “Punnyman” Le returned with a day-late, dollar-short report about some kid who won a state fair photography contest. Apparently, the 10-year-old takes good pictures. He seems precocious. It turns out his mama is also a professional photographer. Sounds like he had a bit of an unfair advantage, don’t ya think?

Anyway, good to see the Punnyman back.

The music in me
Let’s get this straight, Larry – you are not a black woman.

At the end of Le’s report, Diva Darcel got a little fiesty and repeated one of the kid’s quotes. “I just want to hear him say again, ‘I’ve got the music in me,'” she says, all thumbs and sass.
the Diva can’t believe the Bluntman just went Oprah on her
Well, Larry, just dying to impress the diva, jumps right in, mimicking her every move. “I’ve got the music in me,” he says, all Bluntlike.

Don’t try it again, Lar.

Bets on the bomber
OK, we’re opening betting season on when Scottie2Hottie will break out the leather bomber jacket for the first time. Scottie is known for his love of finery, and looks damn dapper in the dead hide. I’ve got a bumpersticker says it will be Oct. 30.

Gassing up
In stark contrast to its irresponsible self-fulfilling prophecy story a few weeks ago about a post-Katrina gas panic, WLOer Sheraldo Barber gave a downbeat report about the potential this time ’round with Hurricane Rita.

Sheraldo talked to your typically peeved motorists at the fuel pumps. He also talked to a gas station owner, who adamently told consumers DON’T PANIC. There’s no reason to, he said. We’ll keep a watch on this story.

Wedding crasher
Bulldog weighs in on yesterday’s post about Julie Wunder’s wedding (yes, video of said wedding was shown on a news broadcast – why, we have no clue):

The only thing surprising about WLosers’ coverage of Wunder’s Wedding is that they didn’t do a breaking SPECIAL REPORT with the whole friggin’ wedding video. For chrissakes, this morning Victoria (Caution: Wide Load) Dunkel showed photos “TAKEN LAST NIGHT” – GASP -of her six-month-old taking a bath, and wearing a ballcap. The only thing that would make this crap interesting is if the kid turned his ballcap sideways and tossed his empty bottle in the back on the truck.


WLOSUX September 27, 2005 - 4:25 pm

Hey…I’ve posted some WLOS bashing stuff recently and it seems to be getting edited out. What gives? What’s the point of a blog if folks can’t vent.

BTW, the best way to combat the WLOS “problem” or plethora of problems they present is to hit the off button. Get a life and kill your TV.

waz September 22, 2005 - 11:30 pm

The Lar v. Diva dynamic is almost painfull when they trade their little ad lib quips in between segments and end of show. Seems like they’ve had to tone down Lar to give Diva her due…Diva is so ready to open a can o whup ass on Lar.

Speaking of Diva, is she sportin new hair? If so Ashvegas has some serious pull, you may remember I called for new Diva hair a couple of days back….

Edgy Mama September 22, 2005 - 6:54 pm

Sad that you have to tell Lar he’s not a black chick. Hope his ego can take it.

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