WLOS roundup for Tues 0920


‘Chicken Little, the building’s falling!’
WLOS was all over the Merrimon Avenue building/car crash Tuesday, with no less than four reporters covering the story, breathlessly, throughout the day.

You’d have thought an entire city block was about ready to topple with the way the crew (*Susan, Candy, Charu* – and one other who I’ve forgotten already) stayed on top of the story. They kept trying to scare us into thinking more of the building might fall or something.

Charu’s piece was the best, because something actually happened – workers started tearing down the building. She also scored interviews with gawkers and an interview with the building owner, who gave a nod to that area’s history.

Few newcomers to Ashvegas know that that low spot on Merrimon – where sits The Hop, Boston Pizza and the crashed building – is known as the Woolsey Dip. It was once an entity unto its own, quite outside “Asheville” proper back in the day, just as the Gracelyn area was it’s own, unique, separate neighborhood.

The building owner said a Colonel Woolsey owned much of the property in the area back in the 1920s, an area that briefly seceded from Asheville during the Great Depression. (So all you north Ashvegas hellraisers have something of a reputation to live up to.)

The soapbox, back already

Good to see that WLOS is sticking with the soapbox report, though it seems kind of soon to pull it out again. I think it was Monday that it ran for the second time. Let’s not let this just become filler for the 5 or 5:30, OK guys?

The weave
Love Darcel’s new weave. Looks sharp!

It was either this past Saturday, or the Saturday before, that Julie Wunder tied the knot – we couldn’t tell from Jay and Victoria’s blathering happy talk. No matter. Just congrats to the newly weds. Will we see any video, like we did with Scottie2Hottie and Candy?

And one last time, in case you missed it, here’s the wedding announcement:

Julie Lynn Wunder, Casey Mark Manuel
ORLANDO, Fla. – Nick and Amy Wunder of Orlando, announce the engagement of their daughter, Julie Lynn Wunder, to Casey Mark Manuel of Fletcher, N.C.
He is the son of Mark and Julie Manuel of Fletcher, N.C.
The bride-elect graduated from the University of Florida. She is a weather anchor with WLOS, Asheville, N.C.
The bridegroom-elect graduated from West Henderson High School and Western Carolina University. He is a sales representative with Jostens, Arden, N.C.
The wedding will be held in September of 2005 in Central United Methodist Church.


catnap September 21, 2005 - 8:59 pm

This classic Tragically Hip song was removed from some Canadien radio station playlists because they thought it would be inappropriate.
Maybe because Gord Downie is so hard to understand and people misunderstand his lyrics they are right.
But I think the song is a wonderful tribute to the city.
Of course you can’t feel the passion and the power in the song by reading the lyrics but, here they are,
What do you think?

Bourbon blues on the street, loose and complete
Under skies all smokey blue-green
I can’t forsake this dixie dead-sheik
So we danced the sidewalk clean
My memory is muddy, what’s this river that I’m in?
If New Orleans is sinking man than I don’t wanna swim

Colonel Tom, What’s wrong? What’s going on?
You can’t tie yourself up for a deal
He said, “Hey north, this is south, shut your big mouth,
You gotta do what you feel is real”
Ain’t got no picture postcards, ain’t got no souvenirs
My baby, she don’t know me when I’m thinking bout those years

Pale as a light bulb hanging on a wire
Sucking up to someone just to stoke the fire
Picking out the highlights of the scenery
Saw a little cloud that looked a little like me

I had my hands in the river
My feet back up on the bank
Looked up to the lord above
And said, “Hey girl, thanks”
Sometimes I feel so good, I gotta scream
She said Gordie baby I know exactly what you mean

My memory is muddy what’s this river that I’m in?
If New Orleans is sinking man than I don’t wanna swim

Bulldog September 21, 2005 - 4:08 pm

The only thing surprising about WLosers’ coverage of Wunder’s Wedding is that they didn’t do a breaking SPECIAL REPORT with the whole friggin’ wedding video. For chrissakes, this morning Victoria (Caution: Wide Load) Dunkel showed photos “TAKEN LAST NIGHT” – GASP -of her six-month-old taking a bath, and wearing a ballcap. The only thing that would make this crap interesting is if the kid turned his ballcap sideways and tossed his empty bottle in the back on the truck.

NewsJunkie September 21, 2005 - 1:07 pm

The fourth reporter was Candice “Candy Canes” Wickersham, (nee’ Little). When I saw the “Chicken Little” headline I thought it was going to be about her.

Frank September 21, 2005 - 12:53 pm

Sorry I disagree. Charu’s story made no sense. She also, as usual, did none of the work. It was someone else who got all her interviews. The behind the scenes of what has to happen for her to get a story on the air would suprise you.

Ash September 21, 2005 - 12:45 pm

someone: sorry i missed the vid!

Go get ’em, EM.

Edgy Mama September 21, 2005 - 11:59 am

Great idea! Us North Asheville Hellraisers can secede from the city–and redo Merrimon the way we want it! Off to e-mail the hood activists…

someone September 21, 2005 - 4:38 am

I saw some video from the wedding this past Saturday night.

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