WLOS dailies Friday 1028


Film festival an economic boon to restaurant right across the street
I think it was Julie Blunder who pitifully reported a story about how the Asheville Film Festival was an economic boon – for the businesses right across the street from the festival’s hosting theater.

Blunder of course talked to Craig Madison of the Grove Park Inn, a big sponsor and, I’m assuming, where the film festival’s big headliner, Robbie Benson, is laying his head at night. But the only other sources for her story were the folks across the street at Cafe on the Square. And a shop owner a few doors down.

That’s really showing us what an economic powerhouse this film festival is, Julie.

Boudin promises to stop scaring us
At the end of yet another lame report on how to be safe on Halloween, Michelle Boudin, sitting at the desk with Scottie2Hottie, said she’s done trying to scare the shit out of parents. She did! And S2H totally agreed. They actually sat there and basically apologized for the stupidness, like Boudin’s report on avoiding registered sex offenders on Halloween.

“It’s time to let the kids have fun,” Scottie declared.

Let us hope this is true.

Happy Halloween! The Cabana Boy as Ricky Ricardo!


Edgy Mama October 29, 2005 - 7:05 pm

Yea! We can all go have fun on Halloween now!

uptown ruler October 29, 2005 - 5:29 pm


email me a pic or two from last night’s blogfest, if you find the pics and the time.



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